OEF/OIF/OND combat Veterans can receive cost free medical care for any condition related to your service in your theater of operation for five years after the date of your discharge or release.
For this reason, combat Veterans are strongly encouraged to apply for enrollment within their enhanced eligibility period, even if no medical care is currently needed.
Your 5-year enrollment period begins on your discharge or separation date from Active Duty military service, or in the case of multiple call-ups, your most recent discharge date.
Comprehensive VA health benefits -- including preventative care, mental health care, prescriptions, emergency and surgical care -- are available to all Veterans (usually with a co-pay).
Register now! Returning Servicemembers (OEF/OIF/OND)
17 Mayıs 2012 Perşembe
Did you serve in Iraq or Afghanistan?
To contact us Click HERE
And have you registered for VA health care?
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