Everything you see in the music video happened to Marine-turned-country-singer Stephen Cochran: Pushing the girl away, boozing into oblivion, the gun on the blanket. It all went down last year.
Even the actor who portrays Cochran is, himself, a former Marine and Iraq veteran who knows of post-traumatic stress, who has wrangled with identical demons. The actor was not acting.
The only on-screen tweak from reality was the type firearm shown. In his dimmest hour, behind a locked door in his Nashville home, exhausted, alone, and telling himself: “I’m done,” Cochran rested a loaded shotgun against his bed.
snip But from anguish came inspiration. Amid an existence long blurred by PTSD — the residue of Afghanistan firefights, Marine buddies lost in combat, and his own nearly fatal injury — one question blazed in Cochran's head. He jotted it down: “How do you paint a picture back in focus?” read more>>>
30 Eylül 2012 Pazar
Marine Combat Vet: 'All you've got left are these pieces'
Ten Plus Years of Afghan War and Occupation
Not a fan of Lester but NBC did some pretty good reporting this morning in of all places Afghanistan, like the American public cares!

Ten plus years, reason, 70plus% of the American people supported the Abandoning of the main missions, and our promises again, for why we even sent troops into this region with the first drum beat pointed at Iraq, thus creating more hatreds not towards our government policies but towards us as Americans helping in the recruiting to fight the occupation of, rest is history, and Afghanistan stopped being anything about 9/11 with that first drum beat!!

11 Years In, 2,000th U.S. Troop Killed In Afghanistan
So posts the Huffington Post at the top of the early 30 September 2012 sunday morning site page, along with this in huge block lettering:

You ask 'WHY?' in caps on the front page, it's simple.
The country started cheering on abandoning the Main Missions, and once again promises to the Afghan people, with the first drum beat pointed at Iraq, not listening to what those of us against were saying, especially us veterans of our previous wars of choice! Making the Afghan occupation into nothing to do with 9/11. Raising the hatreds in the region and around the world, not only as to our policies but now directly at the people of. Easing the recruiting in the region, and elsewhere, towards fighting the occupation,tried by the Soviets previously. Those still being sent, see or hear any opposition to from like we had built during the Vietnam War, are seeking to try and accomplish at least a small faction of the original Main Missions and the CiC is leading them that way, those fighting and supporting not the officers, with the gradual drawdown. While the Country not only ignores but has yet to Demand They Sacrifice not only to pay for the wars but especially the results of!
Click the link and it carries one to this on the latest U.S. Soldier to die and from an insider attack:
09/30/12 - KABUL, Afghanistan -- An Afghan soldier turned his gun on American troops at a checkpoint in the country's east, killing two Americans and at least two fellow members of Afghanistan's army in a shooting that marked both the continuance of a disturbing trend of insider attacks and the 2,000th U.S. troop death in the long-running war, officials said Sunday.The string of insider attacks is one of the greatest threats to NATO's mission in the country, endangering a partnership key to training up Afghan security forces and withdrawing international troops.Saturday's shooting took place at an Afghan army checkpoint just outside a joint U.S.-Afghan base in Wardak province, said Shahidullah Shahid, a provincial government spokesman. read more>>>
Not a fan of Lester but NBC did some pretty good reporting yesterday, Saturday, morning in of all places Afghanistan, like the American public cares!
They had some more clips, like talking to some of the soldiers, on this mornings telecast.
Veterans the Uncounted Casualties: Home, but not safe
Sept. 29, 2012 - They survived the battlefields of Iraq and Afghanistan. But they did not survive the homecoming.
A six-month American-Statesman investigation, which paints the most complete picture yet of what happened to Texas’ Iraq and Afghanistan veterans who died after leaving the military, reveals that an alarmingly high percentage died from prescription drug overdoses, toxic drug combinations, suicide and single-vehicle crashes — a largely unseen pattern of early deaths that federal authorities are failing to adequately track and have been slow to respond to.
The Statesman obtained autopsy results, toxicology reports, inquests and accident reports from more than 50 agencies throughout the state to analyze the causes of death for 266 Texas veterans who served in operations Enduring Freedom and Iraqi Freedom and were receiving Department of Veterans Affairs disability benefits when they died. read more>>>
29 Eylül 2012 Cumartesi
House Committee on Veterans Affairs: 21 September 2012
WitnessesPanel 1
Mr. Eliseo “Al” Cantu, Chair, Texas Veterans Commission
Mr. James O. Richman, Director – Claims Representation and Counseling, Texas Veterans Commission
Mr. Steve Hernandez, County Veterans Service Officer, McLennan County, TexasPanel 2
Ms. Diana Rubens, Deputy Under Secretary for Field Operations, Veterans Benefits Administration, U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs
Accompanied by:
Mr. John Limpose, Director, Waco Regional Office, Veterans Benefits Administration, U.S. Department of Veterans AffairsVisit the site page for the backlinks to the statements, later, and the front page for possible live stream at 10am est
SEN. TOM COBURN, R-OK: Veterans Job Act 2012 is 'felonius crap'
Hi There: "I'm Sen Tom Colburn and I think the Veterans Job Act 2012 is 'felonious crap' reason I voted 'Nay' on this 'jobs bill' and oh ya I 'support the troops', Really, cause I'm a 'flag wavin patriot'!"SEN. TOM COBURN, R-OK (9/20/2012): If in fact we're going to start addressing the bigger economic problems of this country, you gotta quit playing felonious accounting with what you're doing, which is exactly what that bill did. ... It's exactly the same kind of — pardon my word — crap that Congress has done for years.What kind of felonious crap...?
So once again, $800 billion dollars, unfunded, for war. A billion dollars, but paid for in a way you aren't crazy about to help the guys who fought the war get jobs afterwards? We're not made out of money, people. And that's why... Oh Right, Because Doing Something Would Have... The... Ugh.
And lets not leave out our brother Sen. John McCain, who sought to be the CiC:
Sep. 21, 2012 - On exclusive audio, the hawkish senator called jobs for vets priority No. 1. Wait till you see what he said yesterday."The fact is, it's a national disgrace that veterans' unemployment is 14 percent," McCain said. "That's a national disgrace. And we've got to try to find more ways and better ways to hire veterans. And that has got to be our highest priority."
But last week, in floor remarks criticizing the now-dead Veterans Job Corps bill, McCain took a dramatically different stance. He declared that fiscal austerity trumped joblessness among former soldiers, sailors, airmen, and Marines. "We already have six veterans job-training programs, but what the heck? Let's, ah, let's have another one," he said in a sarcastic tone:
Marine Combat Vet: 'All you've got left are these pieces'
Everything you see in the music video happened to Marine-turned-country-singer Stephen Cochran: Pushing the girl away, boozing into oblivion, the gun on the blanket. It all went down last year.
Even the actor who portrays Cochran is, himself, a former Marine and Iraq veteran who knows of post-traumatic stress, who has wrangled with identical demons. The actor was not acting.
The only on-screen tweak from reality was the type firearm shown. In his dimmest hour, behind a locked door in his Nashville home, exhausted, alone, and telling himself: “I’m done,” Cochran rested a loaded shotgun against his bed.
snip But from anguish came inspiration. Amid an existence long blurred by PTSD — the residue of Afghanistan firefights, Marine buddies lost in combat, and his own nearly fatal injury — one question blazed in Cochran's head. He jotted it down: “How do you paint a picture back in focus?” read more>>>
Veterans and Surviving Spouses COLA Held Hostage
Just like the the Transportation Bill, 'jobs bill', watered down, was till the very last minute thus holding much needed infrastructure spending and the jobs from for the needs of the country and at these times! And completely blocking the Veterans Job Act 2012 only the week before!
And from the tepublican campaign camps still no word, not even who locked up thus delaying the vote till the last minute when they return, especially from the new anointed dear leaders of, the Romney/Ryan campaign.
Now we have to pass this bill by the skin of our teeth just to make sure the VA can process the checks. It’s going to be a close call.”Because of the delay, the Senate, which is out of session until Nov. 13, will have to vote on the legislation on the very same day it reconvenes in order for its payments to get out on time, according to a statement from the Department of Veterans Affairs.
“Should Congress pass the COLA after that date, VA would have to make complex programming changes to the system that could not be accomplished in time to pay the COLA increase on January 1,” according to the VA release. “Consequently, the December COLA increase would have to be paid retroactively.”
29 September 2012 - Rachel Maddow reports that Republicans have lifted their block on the cost of living adjustment for veterans, absent any word from Mitt Romney, allowing another opportunity for a vote on the bill in November.
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H.R. 4114: Veterans’ Compensation Cost-of-Living Adjustment Act of 2012 112th Congress, 2011–2012. Text as of Jul 10, 2012 (Referred to Senate Committee).
“Should Congress pass the COLA after that date, VA would have to make complex programming changes to the system that could not be accomplished in time to pay the COLA increase on January 1,”
Speaks volumes as to how these representatives not think nor do their jobs, especially when playing the obstruction game, and if the bill doesn't pass on that first day back from the congressional long vacations it will cost dearly to reprogram the system to compensate thus wasting valuable monies and time out of the already long time underfunded Veterans Administration budget. Especially as to this past decade plus, tax cuts came with the wars as surplus was gone Before 9/11 and deficits had already started rising, and these two rubber stamped off the books till the present administration and still borrowed war costs!
There could be a reason that we're not hearing anything from the anointed new leader as he hits the campaign contributions circuit instead, as Iraq Veteran and present Delaware Attorney General Beau Biden says:
“Governor Romney confuses the defense budget with the (Veterans Affairs) budget,” Biden said. “He talks about wanting to increase the defense budget as if that’s going to help veterans. It doesn't. They’re two separate budgets.”
28 Eylül 2012 Cuma
SEN. TOM COBURN, R-OK: Veterans Job Act 2012 is 'felonius crap'
Hi There: "I'm Sen Tom Colburn and I think the Veterans Job Act 2012 is 'felonious crap' reason I voted 'Nay' on this 'jobs bill' and oh ya I 'support the troops', Really, cause I'm a 'flag wavin patriot'!"SEN. TOM COBURN, R-OK (9/20/2012): If in fact we're going to start addressing the bigger economic problems of this country, you gotta quit playing felonious accounting with what you're doing, which is exactly what that bill did. ... It's exactly the same kind of — pardon my word — crap that Congress has done for years.What kind of felonious crap...?
So once again, $800 billion dollars, unfunded, for war. A billion dollars, but paid for in a way you aren't crazy about to help the guys who fought the war get jobs afterwards? We're not made out of money, people. And that's why... Oh Right, Because Doing Something Would Have... The... Ugh.
And lets not leave out our brother Sen. John McCain, who sought to be the CiC:
Sep. 21, 2012 - On exclusive audio, the hawkish senator called jobs for vets priority No. 1. Wait till you see what he said yesterday."The fact is, it's a national disgrace that veterans' unemployment is 14 percent," McCain said. "That's a national disgrace. And we've got to try to find more ways and better ways to hire veterans. And that has got to be our highest priority."
But last week, in floor remarks criticizing the now-dead Veterans Job Corps bill, McCain took a dramatically different stance. He declared that fiscal austerity trumped joblessness among former soldiers, sailors, airmen, and Marines. "We already have six veterans job-training programs, but what the heck? Let's, ah, let's have another one," he said in a sarcastic tone:
How Washington Screwed A Generation Of Vets
Only a generation?
Better rethink that and better understand the 'government' are the people and Especially, where you are right, this past decade Nobody Has Paid A Dime For Not Only The Wars But The Results Of! That decade is added to the previous decades of underfunding the VA while cheering on wars of choice!! This time the surplus was gone and deficits rising on the rubber stamping Before 9/11, off the books till the present administration and Still All Borrowed!!!!!
09/27/2012 - Senate Republicans blocked a bill Wednesday that would have provided a billion dollars towards helping veterans find work. The reason? They cited the fact that the bill did not adhere to spending limits Congress had set in place last year. Democrats needed 60 votes to overturn this argument, according to the Associated Press, but were only able to get 58, losing the resolution by 2 votes.
With current unemployment rates at nearly 11 percent among veterans of the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan, many say that it is time Washington step up to do more. HuffPost Live's Alicia Menendez discusses this issue asking why certain senators decided to block this bill.
"It shouldn't be surprising that Washington can't get anything done..." Paul Rieckhoff, Executive Director and Founder of Iraq and Afghanistan Veterans of America (IAVA) told HuffPost Live. "When it came down to it, this critical jobs bill would have provided much needed support for not just the 10.9 percent of Iraq and Afghanistan veterans who are unemployed, but really all veterans. The bottom line here is this bill died..." read more>>>
Now Blocking a COLA Increase for Disabled Veterans {UpDated}
Not satisfied with killing the Veterans Jobs Act 2012 now blocking the cost of living increase for the disabled veterans! And whomever it is doesn't even have the moxie or courage to come out into the open and say why. And we have these people as our representatives and on our payrolls and people, including veterans, actually support them and will rehire!!
September 27th, 2012 - According to Sen. Patty Murray, an anonymous Senate Republican is blocking a cost of living increase for America’s disabled veterans.
A Republican senator is using an anonymous hold to block the traditionally bipartisan cost of living adjustment that is given to America’s disabled veterans and their survivors.
Sen. Patty Murray, Chairman of the Senate Veteran’s Affairs Committee said in a statement, “This is stunning. Particularly because we still don’t have any indication why someone would block a cost-of-living adjustment for veterans and their surviving spouses, many of whom are struggling to make ends meet. This adjustment for our disabled veterans is hard earned and well deserved. My hope is that whichever Senator has decided to hold up this bill will at least come forward to own up to it. That way we can move forward to overcome their opposition and get our veterans the support they need.”
The anonymous senator used an informal custom referred to as a hold, which allows any member of the Senate to stop legislation from coming to the floor for a vote by notifying and getting agreement from the party leadership for their intentions. read more>>>
UpDate: Burr's office is saying it isn't blocked.
“It has cleared our side, meaning there is no hold,” David Ward, a spokesman for Burr, said Thursday afternoon.
Trouble is that sounds like a Burr 'Huh', especially when a tad down from that we get this from the VA
With the Senate out of session until Nov. 13, the legislation will have to be passed immediately to provide the increase in time for January’s disability checks, according to Murray’s office.The Department of Veterans Affairs said Thursday afternoon that for VA to pay the December adjustment as scheduled on Jan. 1, Congress would have to pass the COLA by Nov. 13.
“Should Congress pass the COLA after that date, VA would have to make complex programming changes to the system that could not be accomplished in time to pay the COLA increase on January 1,” the VA said in a statement. “Consequently, the December COLA increase would have to be paid retroactively.”
And once again I say, makes no dif, some a**hole apparently likes playing games like this, they've been doing so for a decade plus with these two wars of choice, ignoring the real needs from their rubber stamped wars of choice, and the other a**holes walk lockstep with same!!
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As Rachel talks about the level of attacks etc in Afghanistan, and why nothing from Romney, it all can be brought back to the Abandoning of the Main Missions for even sending troops into that region with the first drum beat pointed at Iraq.The very destructive occupation of Iraq raised the hate levels, not just towards our government policies but towards us all while Afghanistan festered and then grew with the easy recruiting tools handed to the Taliban and al Qaeda with the young fighters coming from all over. Not only festering but turned it into the destructive Quagmire it is today. Other factors play into but it all started with those war drum pounding at Iraq! Rachel talks about the hold at in about the last third of this segment clip.
Obama isn't going to Demand, the country should already have done that and through their representatives, that the Country Sacrifice, i.e. taxes, all they'll hear, especially the oh so 'patriotic', are 'taxes' and not Sacrifice, their responsibility.
This Executive Administration along with the other Cabinet Members and the Spouses of most have been doing what they can, according to the way the Government is set up. Actually they go well beyond, like embarrassing the corporate world into hiring, jobs that are needed by them but being locked by them for their investors. As to Romney, he's no different then any 'chickenhawk' especially, cheer on the power of war and the destructive machine, those sent are expendable and have no need for further help, just words, banners, cheers that die, of that 'patriotism' by the huge majority that don't serve the country at all so why should they Sacrifice!!
Supports Mental Health Providers Serving Veterans
WASHINGTON – September 27, 2012 - The Department of Veterans Affairs has developed a new online Community Provider Toolkit aimed at delivering support, therapeutic tools, and resources to community providers treating Veterans for mental health concerns.
“Many Veterans seek mental health care at VA, yet many also choose to go to providers in their community,” said Secretary of Veterans Affairs Eric K. Shinseki. “VA is committed to helping Veterans wherever they may seek care. This toolkit will enable those community providers who treat Veterans to better understand the specific issues Veterans face and help them access VA resources.”
The goal of the Community Provider Toolkit is to further enhance the delivery of mental health services to Veterans through increased communication and coordination of care between community providers and VA. It not only provides information about accessing, communicating with, and, if needed, making referrals to VA, but also provides effective tools to assist Veterans who are dealing with a variety of mental health challenges. The Community Provider Toolkit also includes sections intended to increase providers’ knowledge about military culture. read more>>>
Who Held Disabled Veterans Hostage, or is holding!
all the oh so 'patriotic?' give those who served, magnetic ribbons till gone, lapel flag pins, flags, parades, welcome homes, and all with the words only, No Sacrifice By Them Demanded, 'Freedom is {absolutely} Free!!
Sep 27, 2012 - A routine bill for a cost-of-living increase for military veterans and surviving spouses just got delayed for months because of a secret hold by an unidentified Senate Republican.
In what appears to be an election-year stunt that quickly backfired, an unidentified Republican senator on Thursday briefly blocked disabled veterans and their survivors from getting a cost-of-living adjustment to their benefits, according to Sen. Patty Murray (D-Wash.), chairman of the Senate Veterans Affairs Committee.
The Cost of Living Allowance (COLA) increase for Department of Veterans Affairs benefits, which typically passes the House and Senate without opposition, was cleared by Senate Democrats but placed on a “secret hold” Thursday by an unidentified Republican senator, Murray says.
snip After Murray released her statement, Republicans made what appears to be a hasty retreat. A spokesman for Sen. Richard Burr (R-N.C.), the ranking Republican on the Senate veterans’ committee, announced Thursday afternoon that the issue had been resolved and there was no hold.
Who originally placed the secret hold, and why? No one seems to know or wants to say.
snip “It cleared every Democrat in the Senate, but there was still a hold on the bill, so obviously it had to be from someone on the Republican side,” said Matt McAlvanah, a spokesman for Senator Murray. “It lasted until we adjourned, nearly 72 hours. We then went into recess, with the Republicans still having a hold on this bill. So we put out a release today saying someone should step forward.”
“Now we hear that Republicans are saying there is no longer a hold. That’s fine, but it does little good now because we’re not coming back until postelection. Now we have to pass this bill by the skin of our teeth just to make sure the VA can process the checks. It’s going to be a close call.”
Because of the delay, the Senate, which is out of session until Nov. 13, will have to vote on the legislation on the very same day it reconvenes in order for its payments to get out on time, according to a statement from the Department of Veterans Affairs.
“Should Congress pass the COLA after that date, VA would have to make complex programming changes to the system that could not be accomplished in time to pay the COLA increase on January 1,” according to the VA release. “Consequently, the December COLA increase would have to be paid retroactively.”
If the bill doesn’t pass that first day the Senate returns, the effects could be significant, especially for disabled veterans and their families on fixed incomes, says Paul Sullivan, a Gulf War veteran and former director of Veterans for Common Sense who now works at Bergmann & Moore, a law firm that specializes in VA disability law.
“We don’t want to scare our veterans. But delays can be harmful,” Sullivan tells The Daily Beast. “Veterans already jump through enough hoops to obtain disability benefits. Delaying what should be an automatic process increases uncertainty in the lives of our veterans, and that is wrong.” read more>>>
What we do know is they apparently weren't satisfied in just killing the Veterans Jobs Bill of 2012, only one in the long stream of not holding up the Countries Responsibility!!
27 Eylül 2012 Perşembe
SEN. TOM COBURN, R-OK: Veterans Job Act 2012 is 'felonius crap'
Hi There: "I'm Sen Tom Colburn and I think the Veterans Job Act 2012 is 'felonious crap' reason I voted 'Nay' on this 'jobs bill' and oh ya I 'support the troops', Really, cause I'm a 'flag wavin patriot'!"SEN. TOM COBURN, R-OK (9/20/2012): If in fact we're going to start addressing the bigger economic problems of this country, you gotta quit playing felonious accounting with what you're doing, which is exactly what that bill did. ... It's exactly the same kind of — pardon my word — crap that Congress has done for years.What kind of felonious crap...?
So once again, $800 billion dollars, unfunded, for war. A billion dollars, but paid for in a way you aren't crazy about to help the guys who fought the war get jobs afterwards? We're not made out of money, people. And that's why... Oh Right, Because Doing Something Would Have... The... Ugh.
And lets not leave out our brother Sen. John McCain, who sought to be the CiC:
Sep. 21, 2012 - On exclusive audio, the hawkish senator called jobs for vets priority No. 1. Wait till you see what he said yesterday."The fact is, it's a national disgrace that veterans' unemployment is 14 percent," McCain said. "That's a national disgrace. And we've got to try to find more ways and better ways to hire veterans. And that has got to be our highest priority."
But last week, in floor remarks criticizing the now-dead Veterans Job Corps bill, McCain took a dramatically different stance. He declared that fiscal austerity trumped joblessness among former soldiers, sailors, airmen, and Marines. "We already have six veterans job-training programs, but what the heck? Let's, ah, let's have another one," he said in a sarcastic tone:
Sorry Rachel a Fail on the Veterans Segment of Show
Not a complete fail and this isn't any slam on you as you do some of the best reporting on the tube or streamed, you do have an important point, trouble is you keep leaving out the most important in all your reporting on veterans issues, but you're not alone. The rest of the media, as the voices of journalism for the people do as well. But especially the greater population who listen, watch or read they do same.
On the friday, 21st of September 2012, airing of the MSNBC Rachel Maddow show she did a segment titled:
Rachel Maddow shows how the disproportionate online reaction to the story of Republicans defeating the veterans' jobs bill should show members of the media that the story is worth amplifying.
Her point about the importance of reporting is spot on. Saw nothing as to local news coverage, maybe one TV station did but not the one I had on. And scant coverage on the National news shows, luckily I don't have a full cable package anymore so don't need to catch the babbling's of opinion speak calling that news.
But quite frankly Rachel that's a rather misleading subject title, Only Some Do and those of us who've served or those serving don't just serve some we serve all, many saying they do or do if the thought strikes to write a check or click a link!
There are many small groups of citizens around the country who need to fight for contributions, and some others do actually give every now and then, if they've formed a successful organization that helps the long underfunded VA, the peoples responsibility through their representatives and tax contributions in both federal and state, do what can't be fully done by the long underfunded agency and our previous wars.
Not just attempting to help by enhancing what the VA should already be able to do or using what this country was once well known for innovations that offer grassroots fill the needs idea's but trying to fight one or more of many issues unable to be fully accomplished by the Full Countries Responsibility to what was already an underfunded Veterans Administration long before these two long wars and occupations and blatantly underfunded throughout these years of. The surplus was gone and deficits started rising Before 9/11. The invasion of Afghanistan followed 9/11, with missions for the Military and promises once again from this country to the Afghan people, i.e. after the Afghan/Soviet long war and our supplying the Afghans with arms. Very quickly after that invasion the country fell in, some 70%plus if memory serves, line with the previous administration as did the rubber stamping off the books, till the present administration, and still all borrowed congresses then. To abandon those missions and promises with the first drum beat of war to invade and destroy another country and the people of just to take down a once friend of many in that administration and also of the father of that previous president. The same time that started the tax cuts were passed and signed into law. Huge breaks for the wealthy and the rest came with quickly rising gas prices that never went back down to pre or just after 9/11 and remain high as are the record profits of the oil companies ever since.
As John Stewart put it:
What kind of felonious crap...?So once again, $800 billion dollars, unfunded, for war. A billion dollars, but paid for in a way you aren't crazy about to help the guys who fought the war get jobs afterwards? We're not made out of money, people. And that's why... Oh Right, Because Doing Something Would Have... The... Ugh.
As to the comments of Sen, Tom Colburn (R-Ok) about their vote of 'Nay' to the Veterans of and Jobs for.
Along with the many, but only a small fraction of the population, organizations, there are many volunteers to same who give as much as they can in help, again though in small numbers as related to the full population. There are some advocates and activists, again a tiny portion of the population served, who give of time and their own resources to help in many ways. And more importantly are the always to be found, but few again, Volunteers at Veterans Hospitals and Clinics who are a great help to those often at war times especially overburdened employee's of relieving them of some tasks and giving comfort and friendship to the veterans in.
The greater majority of Americans on the whole like to wave flags, use words, slogans and posters etc. while talking about how patriotic they are. Then go home and place the soldiers, their families, wars and veterans out of sight and mind all but for the direct family members of. The representatives of by the way, mostly like to saber rattle at the VA for whatever negative reports, never comparing same to the private sector, leading those represented including veterans in same. Instead of themselves, and those they represent, Demanding The Country Sacrifice to not only pay for these wars, costs are still being added to the rising deficit, but Especially as to the Results Of Said Wars. Nor even care about the Sacrifices and Services the tiny fraction of the populace do for Country, war or no war to be cheered on with flags waving!
The point is Rachel, and you miss it when talking about the welcome home parades as well, ask the Desert Storm Soldiers how the National New York Ticker Tape Parade helped them in the years after, up till these recent years and the present Veterans Administration, Finally. That the media, the politicians, the people of the country, talk about taxes especially in election years, mostly wanting to pay less to the treasury but still want what the government needs to do for a society and when needing want it yesterday, which comes through cheaper individual costs by taxing and not billing for what they use or is done for them. Which what goes in comes back to their state governments treasuries, some states short changing others by getting more then is paid. And the majority now want the wealthy to contribute their fair share instead of funding campaigns and more as they get wealthier off the labors of the masses and yes the forgotten by almost everyone wars. But nobody is demanding the Sacrifice they demand by the military and their families that serves them, to pay for these wars and especially the needs of the Veterans of and the Veterans of the previous decades and wars!
Oh and you prove the point of short attention spans of people no matter subject but especially as to their lack of Sacrifice and these wars and Veterans. By using a online social media example of 'likes' and 'shares' even the commenting, they moved quickly on sharing, posting, liking, commenting on whatever their 'friends' or themselves have put up. Rage on issues like the vote yes for some, but they like everyone else move quickly away from. I'll bet none of the comments demanded the country sacrifice themselves.
Medal of Honor and Trauma
September 23, 2012 - For Dakota Meyer, the Medal of Honor is a full-time job, which keeps him on the road 20 or more days each month.
... As when he appeared at a job fair for veterans in Quantico, Va.:
"When they told me that I would be receiving the Medal of Honor I told them that I didn't want it, because I don't feel like a hero," Meyer said. "But then the president said something to me: 'It's bigger than you.' And I never really thought about that until afterward, and it is bigger than me."
(CBS News) Starting over after a traumatic event is never an easy task, not even for a young man this nation honors as a hero. Our Cover Story is reported by National Security Correspondent David Martin: Behind that jaunty air lies some of the toughest lessons any young man ever had to learn.
First, there was the battle in a remote Afghan valley for which he received the medal - a bloody, five-hour firefight which left four Marines and one soldier dead.
Meyer called it the worst day of his life - "A day that has forever changed my life."
Meyer and his fellow Marines drove into a gauntlet of fire from up to 100 insurgents. He went back again and again, trying to reach buddies trapped in the ambush. But he didn't get there in time. And he has been haunted by that ever since.
"I can never forget that I'm a failure, and it's in the face of the nation, not just me." read more>>>
Veteran Beau Biden Talks the Choice Veterans Have
This isn't only about the Presidential race for the top job in the Country, it's as important for all the down ticket races for Congressional seats as well as State Legislatures and the direction of the Responsibility of the Country towards how they treat those very few of us who've served as well as those serving now, serving to defend Country and Constitution, the whole Constitution not just spun cuts from.
September 27, 2012 - Biden said Obama has increased funding for the Department of Veterans Affairs by more than any other president in the last 30 years and focused on helping soldiers after their service ends by supporting tax credits for businesses that hire veterans and working to pass the Post-9/11 G.I. Bill when he was in the Senate. The administration also put resources toward hiring 1,500 claims processors to address the backlog resulting in a lengthy waiting period for returning wounded veterans to receive services.
snip "Their priorities are that we give a tax cut to the wealthiest 1 percent," he said. "But they want to cut benefits to the point-seven-five percent of us that have served in Iraq and Afghanistan."
Biden said Ryan's proposed budget that has brought him both support and criticism would cut Department of Veterans Affairs spending by about $11.1 billion, 85 percent of which would be for health care expenses, while extending Bush-era tax cuts enacted after the nation went to war. He also criticized Romney's proposal last year that veterans could receive vouchers for health care, as opposed to the government providing it.
Biden said the latter proposal amounts to privatizing the VA and giving veterans a coupon and saying "go find your own" care. read more>>
Sept. 26, 2012 - Martineau, a wounded war veteran, disagrees with the Romney campaign's statement."We've got to help them so they can let it out and work on it. That's the important thing. That's why we need this president. (Obama) is not going to cut 20 percent out of this budget. (Obama) is going to keep it. Maybe even, say, add," Martineau said.
"The choice could not be more clear for President Barack Obama and Vice President Joe Biden," Gentile said. read more>>> {there's a video clip with this report}
The reality of the record stands for itself, the contrast of the previous eight years and that administration to the almost four of the present administration and almost total congressional obstruction of everything. Six of which of those previous eight had a republican controlled congress and in that the surplus left to them was depleted rapidly Before 9/11 thus deficits started rising. The response, along with the countries promises to the people of the country invaded, once again, to the 9/11 attacks was abandoned with the first drum beats of war pointed at another country and reasons for built on ginned up intelligence from within that administration.
While the congresses were rubber stamping all war costs for both, off the books till the present administration and still all borrowed, along with their other ideological policy wants of that administration, very little was not only done but not even mentioned in relation to the Veterans of both of these present wars and the norm, underfunded and politically run VA, continued for us older vets especially of our previous wars. That started changing in the 110th and 111th congresses even with the ability of obstruction in the Senate with the use of filibusters and not a democratic stable of majority vote but needing a 60 plus vote.
Those in the present Executive Administration it's Cabinet, even beyond the VA and for the present Veterans, and those around same have been doing what they can as the Executive Branch and even gone well beyond, often away from the camera's and the news outlets, but there's still much much more needed that can only be accomplished fully by the people doing their responsibility through their representatives in the Congress and the State Houses.
Just a small example of what this Administration and the Veterans Administration accomplished, the rest is all archived and those archives are still growing, VA Observes Recovery Act Anniversary With More Progress Nationwide, you can find some more examples with a write by another of the younger brother vets of these two wars as Beau Biden is, while still grossly underfunded and yet no demand from congressional, and state, representatives that the country sacrifice, which ends up costing the country, especially the Veterans in needed help, much more to correct, maintain or innovate with advances.
Sen. Jim Webb to Romney: "A ‘thanks’ would have been nice"
September 27, 2012 - The omission was all the more damning, Webb suggested, because Romney is of an age where he might have served in Vietnam but did not.
“If nothing else, at least mention some word of thanks and respect when a presidential candidate who is their generational peer makes a speech,” said Webb, a former Navy secretary and decorated Marine who served in Vietnam. Romney was exempted from the draft, first as a student and then as a missionary.
“This was a time when every American male was eligible to be drafted. People made choices,” Webb said. “Those among us who stepped forward to face the harsh unknowns did so with the belief that their service would be honored.” read more>>>
26 Eylül 2012 Çarşamba
Fed Funded Study of PTSD, Traumatic Brain Injury
September 20, 2012 - The federal government intends to allocate $100 million to study the treatment of post-traumatic stress disorder and traumatic brain injury. For a leading research group in Philadelphia, these funds could help answer a major question in the field.
The University of Pennsylvania's Dr. Edna Foa developed what's been called the gold standard in the treatment of post-traumatic stress disorder.
Known as prolonged-exposure therapy, it essentially requires patients to actively engage with the trauma they've been suppressing.
It's estimated that 300,000 to 400,000 veterans of the Iraq and Afghanistan wars have PTSD, and when Foa's methods are used to treat them, they're considered highly effective.
Still, says Foa, "We also know that most psychotherapists don't use them." read more>>>
GOP senators vote on jobs bill for vets
Not a second thought as same (T)'s rubber stamped all the war costs, off the books till the present administration and all still being borrowed, the surplus was gone and deficits rising Before 9/11 and the wars have yet to be paid for but more importantly the costs as to the results of, with little added till the present admin as to the VA Budget!!
September 21, 2012 - Particularly high unemployment rates among Iraq and Afghanistan War veterans gave extra charge to this week's vote on a jobs bill for veterans that is already heavy with political implications.
A recent report by Congress' Joint Economic Committee cited an 11 percent unemployment rate among Nebraska's post-9/11 veterans in 2011. In Iowa, the number was 11.8 percent, and nationally it's 12.1 percent.
Sen. Mike Johanns of Nebraska and several Republicans from the Senate Veterans' Affairs Committee found themselves in the cross hairs of critics this week after their votes helped sink the jobs bill that included some of their own proposals.
Johanns said he still supports the substance of the bill, which would create a $1 billion program to put unemployed veterans to work tending federal lands and bolstering local police and fire departments.
But Republicans offered a budget point of order against the bill, saying its spending violated limits that Congress agreed to last year. It takes 60 votes to waive a budget point of order, and the bill fell two votes short, 58 to 40. read more>>>
(Washington, D.C.) – Today, U.S. Senator Patty Murray, Chairman of the Senate Veterans’ Affairs Committee, released the following statement after Senate Republicans killed her Veterans Jobs Corps Act which would have provided a $1 billion investment to help veterans find work as police officers, firefighters, and in other jobs serving their communities. Despite the fact that Veterans Jobs Corps Act was fully paid for, Senate Republicans raised a procedural point of order in order to kill the bill which would have required 60 votes to waive. The final vote on the point of order was 58-40.“It’s both shocking and shameful that Republicans today chose to kill a bill to put America’s veterans back to work. At a time when one in four young veterans are unemployed, Republicans should have been able, for just this once, to put aside the politics of obstruction and to help these men and women provide for their families. read more>>>
Vietnam/U.S. Agent Orange Consequences Action Plan
22/09/2012 - VietNamNet Bridge – The Viet Nam-US Dialogue Group has announced its aim to overcome the consequences of Agent Orange (AO) and dioxin in Viet Nam by 2020 at the seventh meeting of the Viet Nam-US Joint Advisory Council (JAC) yesterday, Sept 20.
The two-day JAC meeting will review the handling of AO and dioxin environmental hotspots, humanitarian activities and dioxin treatment technologies.
The next five years will be key towards achieving the group's goal, starting with the treatment of dioxin contaminated soil at Da Nang Airport in 2012. In addition, the US Agency for International Development will provide more support for dioxin victims.
The national steering committee on overcoming the consequences of toxic chemicals used by the US during the war in Viet Nam has drafted a plan focusing on detoxification treatment of hotspots, prevention of exposure to dioxin, provision of support for locals living near hotspots, and better services for AO and dioxin victims.
The Viet Nam-US Dialogue Group brings together both Vietnamese and American individuals, scientists and policymakers, with a view to mobilising resources to deal with the consequences of AO/dioxin in Viet Nam. read more>>>
Military Awards for Valor Website
WASHINGTON, Sept. 25, 2012 - Officials have added the names of those who have received Silver Star awards to a website listing recipients of the nation's highest awards for valor.
The site launched in July with the names of those who have received the Medal of Honor, the nation's highest award for valor, since Sept. 11, 2001.
On Aug. 1, officials added the names of those who have received the Distinguished Service Cross, the Navy Cross or the Air Force Cross – the nation's second-highest valor awards.
Now, the site also lists those who have received the Silver Star.
The site -- Military Awards for Valor -- is designed to raise awareness of service members' heroism and to help in deterring those who falsely claim military honors, officials said.
How VA Makes Medical Care Easier for Rural Veterans
Your call: drive hours to your nearest VA medical facility vs. click on a monitor from a closer Community-Based Outpatient Clinic.
Some Veterans live many miles from a VA medical center, making visits to the doctor an all-day event. Others with chronic conditions require constant monitoring, but opt to stay at home rather than in the hospital.
In both cases, VA’s Telehealth provides greater access to health care through the use of telecommunications and videoconferencing. VA patients are finding Telehealth to be just what they need to receive personalized care from their VA medical center.
The Veterans Health Administration is the nation's leader in Telehealth technologies, which means doctors and patients can meet for health services without physically being in the same place. read more>>>
25 Eylül 2012 Salı
Veterans Worst Week, Recently
Only Government Agency, the Executive Branch and Cabinet of, Doing For The Veterans
SEPTEMBER 24, 2012 - Following the release of Mitt Romney’s private fundraiser video, which exposed the embattled candidates’ condescending views on 47 percent of the country and his bizarrely laissez-fair Middle East policy perspective, who could have possibly had a worse week in Washington? The answer is just as surprising as it is shameful: American veterans.
Not only were veterans denigrated by the now infamous comments Mitt Romney made in the fundraiser video, as veterans are among the 47 percent of citizens who receive government benefits and assistance, but veterans also fell victim to partisan politics at both federal and state levels.
This week, the Senate voted on the Veterans Jobs Corp Act, which would have provided much-needed jobs training programs for veterans, who have an unemployment rate higher than the national average despite their superior skill sets. While the bill was expected to pass with wide-measures of bipartisan support, a Republican filibuster effectively killed the bill with a 58-40 vote. read more>>>
Veterans’ Mental Health: VA and Entertainment Industries Council
Publication to Support the Creative Process in Film and Television Industry
WASHINGTON – September 24, 2012 - A powerful new tool is available to the entertainment industry with the release of Picture This: Veteran Mental Health Challenges and Solutions, a comprehensive guide to assist members of the creative arts community in accurately portraying mental health issues Veterans may experience.
“I encourage those in the entertainment industry who seek to tell stories about Veterans to focus on the topic of Veteran mental health in ways that transcend stereotypes and present a more honest, compelling, and powerful product,” said Secretary of Veterans Affairs Eric K. Shinseki. “The true stories of the Veterans I know and have served with are more engaging than a simple caricature of a Veteran with a mental health problem.”
The Entertainment Industries Council, Inc. (EIC), in collaboration with and sponsored by the Department of Veterans Affairs, developed this guide with input from mental health experts, Veterans, advocates, policymakers, the entertainment industry, and many others who are committed to honoring the service of Veterans and helping them overcome challenges.
Picture This was written to help writers, actors, producers, and others create authentic depictions of Veterans facing and overcoming mental health challenges. The publication was developed as a result of forums in Los Angeles and Washington, D.C., that brought together mental health experts, members of the entertainment community, and Veterans to share powerful testimonials of their own challenges and triumphs. read more>>>
VA Teams Up with American Heart Association
Health and Fitness Event Will Run During Vermont Avenue Farmer's Market
WASHINGTON – September 24, 2012 - The Department of Veterans Affairs will raise awareness of heart disease in women, particularly women Veterans and VA employees, at a “VA Goes Red” health expo Thursday, Sep. 27, outside VA’s central office at 810 Vermont Avenue. The event will run in conjunction with the FRESHFARM farmer’s market held at the same location from 11 a.m. to 2:00 p.m.
“We are proud to team with the American Heart Association’s (AHA) Go Red For Women movement to raise awareness of heart disease in women Veterans and VA staff,” said Secretary of Veterans Affairs Eric K. Shinseki. “This event not only highlights our commitment to care for women Veterans, but it’s also a great opportunity to share information about cardiovascular disease and prevention.”
Activities will include healthy cooking demonstrations, fitness classes, health screenings and CPR instruction. VA’s Undersecretary for Benefits Allison A. Hickey and Principal Deputy Undersecretary for Health, Dr. Robert Jesse, a cardiologist, will speak during the programmed portion from noon to 1:00 p.m. AHA President Donna Arnett, Ph.D., M.S.P.H., and chairperson of the Department of Epidemiology at the University of Alabama at Birmingham School of Public Health, will also speak during the event. read more>>>
VRAP - Veterans Next Round of Retraining Program
WASHINGTON – September 24, 2012 - Veterans Affairs officials announced last week that they filled all 45,000 slots for the fiscal 2012 phase of the Veterans Retraining Assistance Program, and are now opening applications for the 54,000 openings available for next fiscal year.
The program, created by Congress late last year, awards unemployed veterans one year of GI Bill benefits to learn new, high-demand skills. Lawmakers designed the program to be a safety net mainly for mid-career veterans who find themselves in financial trouble, but do not have military education benefits to fall back on like their younger peers. read more>>>
Student Nurses Head to Hospital in Hanoi then AO Orphanage
Ten St Albans student nurses have headed to Vietnam for work experience. 87565 Picture: CONTRIBUTED
25th September 2012 - KELLIE McWilliam has always been passionate about nursing.
Now, the Victoria University student is heading to Vietnam to share those skills with the local community.
Kellie is one of 10 St Albans campus students who will volunteer in the National Paediatric Hospital in Hanoi before heading to an orphanage for the child victims of Agent Orange and spending time at a non-government organisation that gives trafficked children an education.
Co-ordinator and study tour leader Dr Sue Kristy said the tour was no holiday, with students pushed physically, academically and emotionally.
But Dr Kristy said the tasks would only improve the ability of the young nurses to work in the challenging world of medicine. read more>>>
23 Eylül 2012 Pazar
21 September 2012 - National POW/MIA Recognition Day
The United States’ National POW/MIA Recognition Day is observed across the nation on the third Friday of September each year. Many Americans take the time to remember those who were prisoners of war (POW) and those who are missing in action (MIA), as well as their families.
What do people do?
Many Americans across the United States pause to remember the sacrifices and service of those who were prisoners of war (POW), as well as those who are missing in action (MIA), and their families. All military installations fly the National League of Families’ POW/MIA flag, which symbolizes the nation’s remembrance of those who were imprisoned while serving in conflicts and those who remain missing.
Veteran rallies take place in many states, such as Wisconsin, in the United States on National POW/MIA Recognition Day. United States flags and POW/MIA flags are flown on this day and joint prayers are made for POWs and those missing in action. National POW/MIA Recognition Day posters are also displayed at college or university campuses and public buildings to promote the day. Remembrance ceremonies and other events to observe the day are also held in places such as the Pentagon, war memorials and museums.
Public life
National POW/MIA Recognition Day is not a federal public holiday in the United States but it is a national observance.
Though many still haven't come home from our previous wars, Iraq is Really Now Officially Over,All are out!!
One U.S. soldier is currently listed as captured or Duty Status -- Whereabouts Unknown as of March 3 2012. The information below reflects the name as Prisoner of War or Duty Status -- Whereabouts Unknown by the Pentagon.
Sgt Bowe R. Bergdahl 23 1st Battalion, 501st Parachute Infantry Regiment, 4th Brigade Combat Team, 25th Infantry Division Ketchum, Idaho Captured in Paktika province in Afghanistan, on June 30, 2009. The Pentagon declared him Duty Status Whereabouts Unknown on July 1 and his status was changed to Missing-Captured on July 3.
21 September 2012 - Today, Friday, September 21, 2012 marks the commemoration of National POW/MIA Recognition Day, where the nation honors those service members who endured captivity and whose remains have yet to be recovered. The day serves as a stark reminder of the risks and sacrifices that American service members and their families make every day.As President Obama said in his proclamation marking National POW/MIA Recognition Day, “As long as members of our Armed Forces remain unaccounted for, America will bring our fullest resources to bear in finding them and bringing them home. It is a promise we make not only to the families of our captured and our missing, but to all who have worn the uniform.” As the POW/MIA flag flies over the White House today, it is a reminder that this administration will never forget its commitment to care for our service members and their families. read more>>>
Sept. 21, 2012 – Somewhere amid the land and sea battlefields of World War II are more than 73,000 Americans classified as missing in action. Thousands more are listed as unaccounted for in Korea, the jungles of Vietnam, and other conflicts.
Each year on the third Friday of September, Americans honor prisoners of war and service members still considered missing in action. Each day the Joint POW/MIA Accounting Command is striving hard to bring the remains of those service members home to their families and loved ones.
With its command headquarters located on the island of Oahu in Hawaii, JPAC conducts global search, recovery, and laboratory operations to identify missing prisoners of war and service members reported missing in action around the world and return them home. The command’s detachments in Vietnam, Laos, Thailand, and Hawaii assist in-country support during investigation and recovery operations.
“This organization is vastly different than any other organization within the Department of Defense,” said Marine Corps Col. Alan Thoma, JPAC deputy commander. “We’re the only ones who do this.” read more>>>