Not a second thought as same (T)'s rubber stamped all the war costs, off the books till the present administration and all still being borrowed, the surplus was gone and deficits rising Before 9/11 and the wars have yet to be paid for but more importantly the costs as to the results of, with little added till the present admin as to the VA Budget!!
September 21, 2012 - Particularly high unemployment rates among Iraq and Afghanistan War veterans gave extra charge to this week's vote on a jobs bill for veterans that is already heavy with political implications.
A recent report by Congress' Joint Economic Committee cited an 11 percent unemployment rate among Nebraska's post-9/11 veterans in 2011. In Iowa, the number was 11.8 percent, and nationally it's 12.1 percent.
Sen. Mike Johanns of Nebraska and several Republicans from the Senate Veterans' Affairs Committee found themselves in the cross hairs of critics this week after their votes helped sink the jobs bill that included some of their own proposals.
Johanns said he still supports the substance of the bill, which would create a $1 billion program to put unemployed veterans to work tending federal lands and bolstering local police and fire departments.
But Republicans offered a budget point of order against the bill, saying its spending violated limits that Congress agreed to last year. It takes 60 votes to waive a budget point of order, and the bill fell two votes short, 58 to 40. read more>>>
(Washington, D.C.) – Today, U.S. Senator Patty Murray, Chairman of the Senate Veterans’ Affairs Committee, released the following statement after Senate Republicans killed her Veterans Jobs Corps Act which would have provided a $1 billion investment to help veterans find work as police officers, firefighters, and in other jobs serving their communities. Despite the fact that Veterans Jobs Corps Act was fully paid for, Senate Republicans raised a procedural point of order in order to kill the bill which would have required 60 votes to waive. The final vote on the point of order was 58-40.“It’s both shocking and shameful that Republicans today chose to kill a bill to put America’s veterans back to work. At a time when one in four young veterans are unemployed, Republicans should have been able, for just this once, to put aside the politics of obstruction and to help these men and women provide for their families. read more>>>
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