Bravo ladies, wives of those serving or recent veterans, a unique way to teach an apathetic country of the results of the wars they cheer on but refuse to sacrifice themselves for, especially in election years. Some will say this is shocking but tastefully done there's no shock involved, just a very unique way, especially in today's world, of bringing attention to a very serious issue and keeping it embedded in the peoples minds. It certainly is attention getting!
Veterans and civilians of Wars have always used the arts in many forms to draw attention to issues as well as to help themselves in the issues they, and their brothers and sisters, now are living from the experiences of. Same for families of.
We should have done something like this or other similar type campaigns to add to what we were trying to do, would have gotten attention but I doubt the country would have rushed to demand their sacrifice as they aren't now, as we finally brought recognition to what always was, PTSD and the silent wounds of war, but including in the civilian populations of traumatic life experiences.
The country was able to ignore, along with many other issues of our wars, for over forty years till these two present ones your husbands are being sent to serve in multiple times as well as many wives and single women, many being single moms.
Ashley Wise took this photo in April to launch her campaign, 'Battling Bare.'
Striking topless pictures serve to call attention to service members struggling with post-traumatic stress and other invisible injuries of war. ‘Battling Bare’ founder Ashley Wise started the movement after a frustrating ordeal of trying to get her husband help.
October 8, 2012 - Military wives are stripping down to support their spouses in a striking photo campaign to call attention to the silent wounds of war.
Under the slogan “Battling Bare,” hundreds of women have taken off their shirts and inked themselves with a “pledge” to stand by their husbands as they heal, and spread word that these veterans need help coping with mental health issues that can’t be seen.
The movement was started in April by Ashley Wise, who had been going through a frustrating ordeal trying to get help for her husband, a former Marine and Army veteran who has served three tours in Iraq.
“My husband battles daily with his demons of war,” Wise, 29, wrote on the Facebook page she created for Battling Bare. “I, and wives like me, have tried everything we know to try to help.”
Children can also take the pledge on their feet.
She says the response has been so overwhelmingly positive that they decided to start an official organization to help veterans through referrals, advocacy and financial assistance, and are currently seeking nonprofit status. Wise hopes to partner with the Department of Defense and Veterans Affairs to help military families get the help they need.
"It's been very surreal," she said of the reaction she’s gotten to the project, including women who have tattooed her words on their bodies. "It's blown my mind that something as simple as that would touch the hearts and souls of so many other families that are out there." read more>>>
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