As holiday music floated through the halls and decorations began to appear on the walls, the clock struck five and it was declared “Happy Hour” in the Cheyenne VA’s Community Living Center (CLC).
VA staff and volunteers prepared an assortment of non-alcoholic libations, sparkling water, soft drinks and juices, for residents. This event was organized to provide a social activity reminiscent of times before admission to a long term care setting.
During the “Happy Hour,” one nursing assistant who was doubling as the “bar-keep” was asked by a resident, “Do you deliver?” which was followed by the response, “Of course!“ The resident went on to say, “Y’all do a lot of outstanding things for the Veterans here. The activities calendar is always filled with happenings and going-ons.” read more>>>
20 Aralık 2012 Perşembe
Bringing Holiday Cheer to America’s Vets
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Children from St. Mary’s School in Cheyenne, Wyo., share holiday jokes and a cookie with CLC resident and WWII Veteran Mr. Oline.
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