More and more information, that should have been widely reported all along is being so with ever growing actions taken, studies, research and actual public and private collaborative help, have been finally coming into the light of day these past few years that should always have been. Especially in these modern times past to present and the invasions and long occupations by the few who serve the Country.
One huge area, but they all are for those that have served, is the information on active Military and the Veterans community suicides. Being reported like it's a shock it's taking place and never before did. The country that refuses to Sacrifice, though finds it very easy to wave flags and use words and symbols of their patriotism, especially this past decade plus and it's two more long occupations, added to the previous decades and wars of and the treasury deficits, are now shown what they've easily ignored, many doing today, when the soldier comes home.
Active duty and Veterans Suicides, Post Traumatic Stress, Traumatic Brain Injuries, Sexual Trauma, the Agent Orange vets, the Desert Storm Gulf War Syndrome vets, the Homeless Veterans, Chemical Warfare Agent Experiments and oh so so much more.
1 February 2013 - An estimated 22 veterans committed suicide in America each day in 2010, according to a report released Friday by the U.S Department of Veterans Affairs.
That rate has edged higher from 1999 when an estimated 20 veterans took their lives every day, the report noted. In 2007, the veteran suicide pace temporarily dipped to 18 per day.
Nearly 70 percent of all veteran suicides were among men and women aged 50 or older, the VA said.
"The mental health and well-being of our courageous men and women who have served the nation is the highest priority for VA, and even one suicide is one too many,” VA Secretary Eric K. Shinseki said in a news release. “We have more work to do and we will use this data to continue to strengthen our suicide prevention efforts and ensure all Veterans receive the care they have earned and deserve.”
The report notes that while the numbers of veterans who die by suicide each day "has remained relatively stable over the past 12 years," the overall percentage of people who die by suicide in America who are veterans has decreased slightly. The share of all suicides reported as "veterans" on state-issued death certificates was 25 percent in 1999 versus slightly more than 20 percent in 2010, according to VA researchers.
"This provides preliminary evidence that the programs initiated by VA are improving outcomes," read an accompanying "executive summary" signed by Dr. Robert A. Petzel, the VA's under secretary for health. "As long as veterans die by suicide, we must continue to improve and provide even better services and care." read more>>>
'Freedom Is {absolutely} Free' for a country when only the few actually Sacrifice, the military personal, their families and the military veterans after they return and join the community of, and especially In Theater Military Troops and Veterans.
It is easier to carry reports far and wide with the technologies today, but national media has been around for much of our history as a society and this technology didn't just happen in the past couple of years nor the means in using it.
Sanders Statement on Veterans Suicides WASHINGTON, Feb. 1 – Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.), chairman of the Senate Committee on Veterans’ Affairs, issued the following statement today on a Department of Veterans Affairs report on veteran suicides:
“The suicide level for veterans is unacceptable. What we’re seeing is an extraordinary tragedy which speaks to the horror of war and the need for us to do a much better job assisting our soldiers and their families after they return home.“The Senate Veterans’ Affairs Committee will be working aggressively with the Department of Veterans Affairs to address this crisis.”
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