13 Ekim 2012 Cumartesi

Her Passion to 'Make It Right' for Military Families

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Starting while campaigning and when Barrack was nominated and the Biden's joined that ticket was greatly increased in partnership with Dr. Jill Biden's passions as an educator and Blue Star Mom. Continuing throughout these past four years and taking on many issues, with great help from the Administration, the Cabinet of and the Spouses of the DoD, past and present, along with the Veterans Community.

Michelle Obama on Her Passion to 'Make It Right' for Military Families
Oct. 9, 2012 - With the war in Iraq over and U.S. troops withdrawing from Afghanistan, first lady Michelle Obama has made it her mission to support America's servicemen and women returning from a decade of conflict.

"Nightline" was granted wide-ranging access to Mrs. Obama, who spoke candidly about her passion to "make it right" for the nation's military families.

"We have to rally around for these families. We have to be that safety net for them because, they're leaving to serve us. They're fighting for the rights and freedoms of all of us. And that's what's moved me about this effort," an emotional first lady told "Nightline" anchor Cynthia McFadden.

Michelle Obama on Helping Military Families

Mrs. Obama admitted that, like most Americans, she had little personal connection to the sacrifices of the military community.

"My connection to military life was pretty tangential," she said. "Most Americans like me, they just don't have a clear idea of the sacrifice these men and women and their families make."

Citing the hardships of multiple deployments and frequent family moves, the first lady said that she was "floored by the stories that I heard." read more>>>

US Navy Veterans Assoc. Scam - 'Bobby Thompson' - John Donald Cody!

To contact us Click HERE

The pursuit of Arizona fugitive lawyer 'Mr. X'
The tale of how U.S. marshals found a fugitive lawyer who fled Arizona in 1984

Oct. 9, 2012 - In 1984, flamboyant Sierra Vista lawyer John Donald Cody disappeared in a blue Corvette along with $100,000 from a client's trust account. Authorities say he converted the money to traveler's checks, abandoned his car at Phoenix Sky Harbor International Airport with keys in the ignition and boarded a plane. Cody never was seen again.

Until last week, when federal authorities say they identified Cody as the fugitive mastermind of a $100 million charity scam that purported to help U.S. Navy veterans.

Cody has been in federal custody since April, when U.S. marshals tracked him to Portland, Ore., and arrested him under the name Bobby Thompson.

But to his captors, Cody would identify himself only as "Mr. X."

"For five months, we didn't know who this guy was," said Pete Elliott, U.S. marshal for the Northern District of Ohio.

As Thompson, authorities allege Cody operated a fake Florida-based charity called the United States Navy Veterans Association, which for eight years bilked tens of millions of dollars from people across the country.

They say Cody, as Thompson, ran the charity out of a shabby office in Ybor City, where he used his credentials as a former military officer to solicit contributions that rarely went to veterans.

Despite a fake history that spanned 80 years, a fake 84-member board of directors and its failure to help any actual veterans, Thompson's charity and his financial support of Republican campaigns allowed him to circulate among the nation's top lawmakers. read more>>>

Brother and Sister Veterans, the Choice Couldn't Be Clearer!

To contact us Click HERE

Every time you look at or listen to the top ticket of Romney/Ryan and the down ticket races in the Congress especially but also State Governor and Legislatures and any mention of taxes you should be hearing a little voice saying:

"Hey wait a minute, they want to maintain the wealthy tax cuts and seek to lower the rates even more while only going after phantom, unmentionable, loopholes they put into play? After these wealthy, especially, added to that rapid growth of through investments in these two wars if not directly through the congressional no-bid contracts for! As the costs for both are still not being paid, were off the books till the present Administration, are still borrowed and so are the costs as to the results while these pols seek to cut the VA funding and privatize the VA!"!!!

Joining Forces is dedicated to connecting our servicemen and women, veterans and military spouses with the resources they need to find jobs at home.

BIDEN: And, by the way, they talk about this Great Recession if it fell out of the sky, like, "Oh, my goodness, where did it come from?" It came from this man voting to put two wars on a credit card, to at the same time put a prescription drug benefit on the credit card, a trillion-dollar tax cut for the very wealthy. I was there. I voted against them. I said, no, we can't afford that.

And now, all of a sudden, these guys are so seized with the concern about the debt that they created.

BIDEN: I would say to him the same thing I say to my son who did serve a year in Iraq, that we only have one truly sacred obligation as a government. That's to equip those we send into harm's way and care for those who come home. That's the only sacred obligation we have. Everything else falls behind that.

I would also tell him that the fact that he, this decorated soldier you talked about, fought for his country, that that should be honored. He should not be thrown into a category of a 47 percent who don't pay their taxes while he was out there fighting and not havingto pay taxes, and somehow not taking responsibility.

On FLOTUS & SLOTUS "There is this sense that this is genuine," says Raezer. "We haven't had this kind of visibility from the White House—ever." Joyce Raezer - December 30, 2011

"We want to talk about the glory of the war, how patriotic it is, but we don't want to focus on the costs of war, what happens when these men and women come back," Congressman Bob Filner Jun 26, 2012

"Romney and Ryan might gut by up to 20 percent investments in the Department of Veterans Affairs -- and even suggest privatizing the veterans' health care"

"Everybody has all these programs, ball games praising veterans, and all the presidential candidates praise them, but Obama’s the only one that’s got the budget money. And he’s the only one willing to — if we have to raise taxes in order to help veterans, we’ll have to raise them on the very wealthy, and maybe on everybody, but we’ve got to do it." Former Sen. Larry Pressler. (R-SD) Vietnam Vet 8 Oct. 2012

Related Posts of Just Recent Congressional {GOP?} Representatives Actions, again way too numerous and covering especially this past decade plus and with two more wars, as to Veterans and even Surviving Military Spouses

Veterans and Surviving Spouses COLA Held Hostage

Now Blocking a COLA Increase for Disabled Veterans {UpDated}

Who Held Disabled Veterans Hostage, or is holding!

Sen. Rand Paul (R-Ky.) - Filibusters Bill

Sen. Jeff Sessions (R-Ala.) - Delays Vote on Bill

Sen. Tom Coburn (R-Ok) - NOT Talking about Military Troops nor Veterans but Congressional Reps

Tepublicans Shelve Senate Vets Job Corps Bill {UpDated}

McConnell, Burr and Senate Tepublicans: "No Jobs for Vets"

SEN. TOM COBURN, R-OK: Veterans Job Act 2012 is 'felonius crap'

Female Veterans, is the US ready to welcome them?

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Extremely important in today's military as more women not only join but are serving in military area's not served in before but not anything close to a new issue and this is coming in the present after eleven years of two more wars of choice, after abandoning the main missions as to what happened on 9/11 with the first war drum beats, almost fully supported, pointed at Iraq. Rubber stamped war cost off the books, till the present administration, and all still borrowed with little mention of the needs of All Veterans of not only these wars, and those needed costs, underfunded still at the VA, are also being borrowed!

DeJa-Vu all over again!!
No Revenues {especially from the wealthy nor their private reagan capitalism economic investments, free market supply side capitalism} = No Sacrifice = No Support! Now a decade plus added to the previous decades of same!

Thousands of female veterans are coming home: Is the US ready to welcome them?
Julie Weckerlein vividly recalls the horrid sounds that filled her base - and her head - after the incoming shell exploded: the radio call summoning the chaplain, the whirling blades of the chopper evacuating the burned remains of the Army sergeant killed in Iraq.

Five years later, she still remembers the name of that dead soldier: Trista Morietti.

“Females died over there, too,” said Weckerlein, who served in Afghanistan as well. She works today as a full-time federal employee in Washington, D.C. “But there is a cultural disconnect in our society. People don’t know: What is a female veteran? What does she look like? What does she bring to the table? What did we do over there?”

Women compose 15 percent of homecoming U.S. troops and 15 percent of the U.S. armed forces, yet many Americans are unsure how to accept or view them, female veterans say. read more>>>

The new 'magnetic ribbons', the 'parades' and 'welcome home celebrations', with no demand for sacrifice get same results, but 'parades' only last a few hours on one day! Think 'Desert Storm' and 'Gulf War Syndrome', Ignored till the last couple of years, finally, after the 'Parades'! Have the 'Welcome Home Parades' but at each the one word that should be spoke and on the minds of All, 'Sacrifice', Demand It, You Owe It and It's Long Overdue!

Former Scott Walker Aide Convicted Of Stealing From Fund For U.S. Veterans

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Kevin Kavanaugh, Former Aide To Scott Walker, Convicted Of Embezzlement
10/12/2012 - A former aide to Wisconsin Governor Scott Walker was convicted on Friday of stealing money from a fund for families of U.S. soldiers who fought in Iraq and Afghanistan.

A jury in Milwaukee County Circuit Court found Kevin Kavanaugh guilty of embezzling more than $42,000 from Operation Freedom, a military appreciation event held each year at the Milwaukee County Zoo.

Kavanaugh, who worked for Walker when the first-term Republican governor served as Milwaukee County executive, faces up to 10 years in prison and a $25,000 fine. Sentencing is expected on Dec. 7.

Kavanaugh, 62, was the treasurer of the Military Order of the Purple Heart, a charity involved in Operation Freedom, from 2006 to 2009. Walker appointed him to serve on the Milwaukee County Veteran Service Commission during Walker's term as Milwaukee County executive. read more>>>

12 Ekim 2012 Cuma

Her Passion to 'Make It Right' for Military Families

To contact us Click HERE

Starting while campaigning and when Barrack was nominated and the Biden's joined that ticket was greatly increased in partnership with Dr. Jill Biden's passions as an educator and Blue Star Mom. Continuing throughout these past four years and taking on many issues, with great help from the Administration, the Cabinet of and the Spouses of the DoD, past and present, along with the Veterans Community.

Michelle Obama on Her Passion to 'Make It Right' for Military Families
Oct. 9, 2012 - With the war in Iraq over and U.S. troops withdrawing from Afghanistan, first lady Michelle Obama has made it her mission to support America's servicemen and women returning from a decade of conflict.

"Nightline" was granted wide-ranging access to Mrs. Obama, who spoke candidly about her passion to "make it right" for the nation's military families.

"We have to rally around for these families. We have to be that safety net for them because, they're leaving to serve us. They're fighting for the rights and freedoms of all of us. And that's what's moved me about this effort," an emotional first lady told "Nightline" anchor Cynthia McFadden.

Michelle Obama on Helping Military Families

Mrs. Obama admitted that, like most Americans, she had little personal connection to the sacrifices of the military community.

"My connection to military life was pretty tangential," she said. "Most Americans like me, they just don't have a clear idea of the sacrifice these men and women and their families make."

Citing the hardships of multiple deployments and frequent family moves, the first lady said that she was "floored by the stories that I heard." read more>>>

US Navy Veterans Assoc. Scam - 'Bobby Thompson' - John Donald Cody!

To contact us Click HERE

The pursuit of Arizona fugitive lawyer 'Mr. X'
The tale of how U.S. marshals found a fugitive lawyer who fled Arizona in 1984

Oct. 9, 2012 - In 1984, flamboyant Sierra Vista lawyer John Donald Cody disappeared in a blue Corvette along with $100,000 from a client's trust account. Authorities say he converted the money to traveler's checks, abandoned his car at Phoenix Sky Harbor International Airport with keys in the ignition and boarded a plane. Cody never was seen again.

Until last week, when federal authorities say they identified Cody as the fugitive mastermind of a $100 million charity scam that purported to help U.S. Navy veterans.

Cody has been in federal custody since April, when U.S. marshals tracked him to Portland, Ore., and arrested him under the name Bobby Thompson.

But to his captors, Cody would identify himself only as "Mr. X."

"For five months, we didn't know who this guy was," said Pete Elliott, U.S. marshal for the Northern District of Ohio.

As Thompson, authorities allege Cody operated a fake Florida-based charity called the United States Navy Veterans Association, which for eight years bilked tens of millions of dollars from people across the country.

They say Cody, as Thompson, ran the charity out of a shabby office in Ybor City, where he used his credentials as a former military officer to solicit contributions that rarely went to veterans.

Despite a fake history that spanned 80 years, a fake 84-member board of directors and its failure to help any actual veterans, Thompson's charity and his financial support of Republican campaigns allowed him to circulate among the nation's top lawmakers. read more>>>

Brother and Sister Veterans, the Choice Couldn't Be Clearer!

To contact us Click HERE

Every time you look at or listen to the top ticket of Romney/Ryan and the down ticket races in the Congress especially but also State Governor and Legislatures and any mention of taxes you should be hearing a little voice saying:

"Hey wait a minute, they want to maintain the wealthy tax cuts and seek to lower the rates even more while only going after phantom, unmentionable, loopholes they put into play? After these wealthy, especially, added to that rapid growth of through investments in these two wars if not directly through the congressional no-bid contracts for! As the costs for both are still not being paid, were off the books till the present Administration, are still borrowed and so are the costs as to the results while these pols seek to cut the VA funding and privatize the VA!"!!!

Joining Forces is dedicated to connecting our servicemen and women, veterans and military spouses with the resources they need to find jobs at home.

BIDEN: And, by the way, they talk about this Great Recession if it fell out of the sky, like, "Oh, my goodness, where did it come from?" It came from this man voting to put two wars on a credit card, to at the same time put a prescription drug benefit on the credit card, a trillion-dollar tax cut for the very wealthy. I was there. I voted against them. I said, no, we can't afford that.

And now, all of a sudden, these guys are so seized with the concern about the debt that they created.

BIDEN: I would say to him the same thing I say to my son who did serve a year in Iraq, that we only have one truly sacred obligation as a government. That's to equip those we send into harm's way and care for those who come home. That's the only sacred obligation we have. Everything else falls behind that.

I would also tell him that the fact that he, this decorated soldier you talked about, fought for his country, that that should be honored. He should not be thrown into a category of a 47 percent who don't pay their taxes while he was out there fighting and not havingto pay taxes, and somehow not taking responsibility.

On FLOTUS & SLOTUS "There is this sense that this is genuine," says Raezer. "We haven't had this kind of visibility from the White House—ever." Joyce Raezer - December 30, 2011

"We want to talk about the glory of the war, how patriotic it is, but we don't want to focus on the costs of war, what happens when these men and women come back," Congressman Bob Filner Jun 26, 2012

"Romney and Ryan might gut by up to 20 percent investments in the Department of Veterans Affairs -- and even suggest privatizing the veterans' health care"

"Everybody has all these programs, ball games praising veterans, and all the presidential candidates praise them, but Obama’s the only one that’s got the budget money. And he’s the only one willing to — if we have to raise taxes in order to help veterans, we’ll have to raise them on the very wealthy, and maybe on everybody, but we’ve got to do it." Former Sen. Larry Pressler. (R-SD) Vietnam Vet 8 Oct. 2012

Related Posts of Just Recent Congressional {GOP?} Representatives Actions, again way too numerous and covering especially this past decade plus and with two more wars, as to Veterans and even Surviving Military Spouses

Veterans and Surviving Spouses COLA Held Hostage

Now Blocking a COLA Increase for Disabled Veterans {UpDated}

Who Held Disabled Veterans Hostage, or is holding!

Sen. Rand Paul (R-Ky.) - Filibusters Bill

Sen. Jeff Sessions (R-Ala.) - Delays Vote on Bill

Sen. Tom Coburn (R-Ok) - NOT Talking about Military Troops nor Veterans but Congressional Reps

Tepublicans Shelve Senate Vets Job Corps Bill {UpDated}

McConnell, Burr and Senate Tepublicans: "No Jobs for Vets"

SEN. TOM COBURN, R-OK: Veterans Job Act 2012 is 'felonius crap'

11 Ekim 2012 Perşembe

VA leaders defend chief of staff

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Good for Gen. Shinseki and company, the General {retired} has been down this road with the same players in congress many times, going back to the previous administration and the starts of these present wars, too many!

To Rep Miller and Burr: Sons do your jobs instead of the constantly looking for problems and acting like some little tough guy, never mentioning the private sector with similar issues as the wide scope the VA covers, and berating personal within while seeking to privatize the peoples responsibility that you refuse to Demand Sacrifice from same you represent! Rubber stamps wars of choice, off the books till the present administration, and continuing to add to the deficit that started growing after the surplus was quickly depleted Before 9/11!!

VA responds to lawmakers call
Oct 10, 2012 - The Veterans Affairs Department responded to lawmakers’ call for the removal of the VA Chief of Staff John Gingrich (pictured) by saying the agency already has dealt with several senior and career employees in the wake of its conference spending scandal.

In on Oct. 10 statement, a VA spokesman said VA Secretary Eric Shinseki has addressed Gingrich’s conduct involving the 2011 conferences – though no details were provided on the exact reprimand or steps taken. The VA paid roughly $6.1 million for two conferences, but the planning was marred by leadership failures and ethical lapses, the VA’s inspector general found.

John Sepulveda, VA’s assistant secretary for human resources and administration, already stepped down from his post, and Shinseki put two career VA employees on leave pending review of their conduct. He is further investigating employees’ conduct as cited in the IG’s report released Oct. 1. read more>>>

Not to mention, how about them forays you congressional folks are party to given by your private sector overlords, or the ones you all set up on our dime!!

US Navy Veterans Assoc. Scam - 'Bobby Thompson' - John Donald Cody!

To contact us Click HERE

The pursuit of Arizona fugitive lawyer 'Mr. X'
The tale of how U.S. marshals found a fugitive lawyer who fled Arizona in 1984

Oct. 9, 2012 - In 1984, flamboyant Sierra Vista lawyer John Donald Cody disappeared in a blue Corvette along with $100,000 from a client's trust account. Authorities say he converted the money to traveler's checks, abandoned his car at Phoenix Sky Harbor International Airport with keys in the ignition and boarded a plane. Cody never was seen again.

Until last week, when federal authorities say they identified Cody as the fugitive mastermind of a $100 million charity scam that purported to help U.S. Navy veterans.

Cody has been in federal custody since April, when U.S. marshals tracked him to Portland, Ore., and arrested him under the name Bobby Thompson.

But to his captors, Cody would identify himself only as "Mr. X."

"For five months, we didn't know who this guy was," said Pete Elliott, U.S. marshal for the Northern District of Ohio.

As Thompson, authorities allege Cody operated a fake Florida-based charity called the United States Navy Veterans Association, which for eight years bilked tens of millions of dollars from people across the country.

They say Cody, as Thompson, ran the charity out of a shabby office in Ybor City, where he used his credentials as a former military officer to solicit contributions that rarely went to veterans.

Despite a fake history that spanned 80 years, a fake 84-member board of directors and its failure to help any actual veterans, Thompson's charity and his financial support of Republican campaigns allowed him to circulate among the nation's top lawmakers. read more>>>

The American Veteran - Oct. 10

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10 October 2012 - A video news magazine designed to inform veterans, their families and their communities about the services and benefits they have earned through their service to America. Also available in high definition. visit site>>>

22 August 2012 - A video news magazine designed to inform veterans, their families and their communities about the services and benefits they have earned through their service to America.

Romney Exploits Security for Politics

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And he's not the only one in the former GOP, that still use that label, as Rachel points out but the examples are numerous and cover especially this past decade plus! And that's all security, National and Domestic, whenever the occasions arise to do so!

GOP demonstrates facility for exploiting security for politics
10 October 2012 - Rachel Maddow excoriates Mitt Romney for trying to exploit the deadly attacks in Benghazi for political benefit and shames Republicans for voting against funding for embassy security and then in the final days of the campaign making a political stunt of embassy security.

Benghazi hearings provide forum for GOP to bash Obama administration, expose classified information

Romney's emotional story remembered very differently by friend of fallen SEAL
Listen to Elf Ellefsen, friend of SEAL Glen Doherty, talk about his friend

In above radio interview Elf Ellefsen says:

Oct 10, 2012 - According to Ellefsen, Romney introduced himself to Doherty four separate times during the gathering.

"He said it was very comical," Ellefsen said, "Mitt Romney approached him ultimately four times, using this private gathering as a political venture to further his image. He kept introducing himself as Mitt Romney, a political figure. The same introduction, the same opening line. Glen believed it to be very insincere and stale."

Ellefsen said Doherty remembered Romney as robotic.

"He said it was pathetic and comical to have the same person come up to you within only a half hour, have this person reintroduce himself to you, having absolutely no idea whatsoever that he just did this 20 minutes ago, and did not even recognize Glen's face."

Ellefsen described Glen Doherty as a humble, non-political guy, and said it was ironic for him to be used during a presidential campaign.

"Whether it be Republican, Democrat, Green Party, Libertarian, it doesn't make a difference. Because this guy is using our great friend, our humble, and honorable great friend...who is truly larger than life...He has become part of the soapbox routine for politics in a presidential race." read more>>>

And from Doherty's mother Barbara:

Mom Of Slain Former SEAL Killed In Libya Lashes Out At Romney

Related Posts of Just Recent Congressional {GOP?} Representatives Actions, again way too numerous and covering especially this past decade plus and with two more wars, as to Veterans and even Surviving Military Spouses

Veterans and Surviving Spouses COLA Held Hostage

Now Blocking a COLA Increase for Disabled Veterans {UpDated}

Who Held Disabled Veterans Hostage, or is holding!

Sen. Rand Paul (R-Ky.) - Filibusters Bill

Sen. Jeff Sessions (R-Ala.) - Delays Vote on Bill

Sen. Tom Coburn (R-Ok) - NOT Talking about Military Troops nor Veterans but Congressional Reps

Tepublicans Shelve Senate Vets Job Corps Bill {UpDated}

McConnell, Burr and Senate Tepublicans: "No Jobs for Vets"

SEN. TOM COBURN, R-OK: Veterans Job Act 2012 is 'felonius crap'

And read what an elder of the once Republican party recently, a brother Vietnam Veteran, had to say:

"Romney and Ryan might gut by up to 20 percent investments in the Department of Veterans Affairs -- and even suggest privatizing the veterans' health care"

"Everybody has all these programs, ball games praising veterans, and all the presidential candidates praise them, but Obama’s the only one that’s got the budget money. And he’s the only one willing to — if we have to raise taxes in order to help veterans, we’ll have to raise them on the very wealthy, and maybe on everybody, but we’ve got to do it." Former Sen. Larry Pressler. (R-SD) Vietnam Vet 8 Oct. 2012

A Crusade To Hire Post-9/11 Veterans

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Employers On A Crusade To Hire Post-9/11 Veterans
Oct 11th 2012 - Sometimes in meetings at JPMorgan Chase & Co., Ryan Enriquez is tempted to bark at his employees to "lock it up" when conference calls lose focus. And when he's managing projects in the mortgage division, he sometimes finds himself adopting the Marine Corps' 5-Paragraph Order to introduce order to the large-scale projects he oversees.

Enriquez, who served in Iraq in 2003 during the initial invasion, is just one of 10.3 million Americans working in corporate America, according to GIJobs.com. He was hired in 2011, and was one of the first veterans as part of the bank's 100,000 jobs mission. The goal is to get the vets hired by 2020.

Nate Herman, the bank's former executive director in charge of military affairs and founder of the campaign, told New York's Daily News that it was "the right thing to do, but it's also a business imperative." He went on to add: "We are not running a charity. This is the kind of talent we need to be successful in the marketplace."

The 100,000 Jobs Mission


Such a contribution couldn't be coming at a pressing time. Thanks in part to government programs like the Department of Labor's America's Heroes At Work, the unemployment rate for post-9/11 vets has dropped from its high of 15.2 percent in January, 2011, to the most recent figure of 8.9 percent in July.

JPMorgan is not alone in trying to make a dent in veteran unemployment. On Aug. 22, the White House announced that its Joining Forces initiative has led to the hiring of 125,000 veterans and their spouses since it was launched last August. read more>>>

And don't forget this:

Companies Can Receive Tax Credits When They Hire Out-of-Work Veterans

10 Ekim 2012 Çarşamba

'Con Man' Bobby Thompson: U.S. Navy Veterans Association {UpDated}

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Feds: Notorious Alleged Con Man 'Bobby Thompson' Was Military Spy
Oct. 1, 2012 - Authorities revealed today that they believe "Bobby Thompson," the man accused of using a fake veterans charity to swindle more than $100 million and to rub shoulders with top-level Republicans, is actually a former military intelligence officer named John Donald Cody.

Officials said Cody has been on an FBI watch list for 25 years after being accused of various frauds and was wanted for questioning related to an espionage investigation.

U.S. Marshal Peter Elliott told reporters that he discovered Cody while searching through old FBI Wanted posters. He said details about the two identities kept matching up, from his unusual hairstyle, his history in the state of Arizona, and his knowledge of the law. Cody, Elliot said, had graduated from Harvard Law School.

The Marshal said Cody spent years evading arrest before he assumed the Thompson persona.


To help enhance the charity's credibility, Thompson allegedly used some of the money to make large campaign contributions to prominent politicians, most of them Republicans, including President George W. Bush, Sen. John McCain, and Ohio Rep. John Boehner, now Speaker of the House. He attended events with the political figures, and posed proudly for now infamous photos with them. read more>>>

UpDate: Marshals reveal identity of 'Bobby Thompson'

"Veterans are perfect to do this job"

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That they are, and for many jobs with the training and maturity beyond their years they bring to the business community offers of as well as being quick studies to new positions.

NJ city's newest firefighters almost all veterans
Oct 09, 2012 - When Marland Lawrence entered the fire academy after coming home from the Navy, he was surprised to find out he was not the only veteran in his class. Almost everyone else had also just left the military.

Lawrence was one of 28 veterans in Newark's 41st fire recruit class, which graduated Tuesday. Three civilians were also sworn in.

It is not a coincidence. New Jersey's largest city has spent the past few years actively recruiting veterans of the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan to serve in its fire department. It is the first time the fire department has recruited veterans since World War II.

"They bring that life experience, the camaraderie, the teamwork, and already knowing a quasi-military structure," said John G. Centanni, the Newark Fire Chief. "They know rank and how to take orders. They bring all of that to the table."


The recruits are "one of the most historic class of firefighters this city has seen in many, many years," Mayor Cory Booker said.

"They were heroes before they even put on the firefighter's uniform," Booker said.

According to the Federal Emergency Management Agency's website, Newark received a $7.1 million in a federal Staffing for Adequate Fire and Emergency Response grant last year. The grants make recruiting and hiring veterans a priority. Newark has hired 55 firefighters with the three-year grant. read more>>>

Newark Fire 41st recruit class graduation

They come into these community service jobs at a time, like being military veterans and the country only gives words and symbols of support for, when many communities and states, including many in the Federal Congress, are marginalizing their hard work and worth within the communities, seeking to cut pay and well deserved benefits!

Her Passion to 'Make It Right' for Military Families

To contact us Click HERE

Starting while campaigning and when Barrack was nominated and the Biden's joined that ticket was greatly increased in partnership with Dr. Jill Biden's passions as an educator and Blue Star Mom. Continuing throughout these past four years and taking on many issues, with great help from the Administration, the Cabinet of and the Spouses of the DoD, past and present, along with the Veterans Community.

Michelle Obama on Her Passion to 'Make It Right' for Military Families
Oct. 9, 2012 - With the war in Iraq over and U.S. troops withdrawing from Afghanistan, first lady Michelle Obama has made it her mission to support America's servicemen and women returning from a decade of conflict.

"Nightline" was granted wide-ranging access to Mrs. Obama, who spoke candidly about her passion to "make it right" for the nation's military families.

"We have to rally around for these families. We have to be that safety net for them because, they're leaving to serve us. They're fighting for the rights and freedoms of all of us. And that's what's moved me about this effort," an emotional first lady told "Nightline" anchor Cynthia McFadden.

Michelle Obama on Helping Military Families

Mrs. Obama admitted that, like most Americans, she had little personal connection to the sacrifices of the military community.

"My connection to military life was pretty tangential," she said. "Most Americans like me, they just don't have a clear idea of the sacrifice these men and women and their families make."

Citing the hardships of multiple deployments and frequent family moves, the first lady said that she was "floored by the stories that I heard." read more>>>

SEALs Mom Lashes Out At Romney

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Mom Of Slain Former SEAL Killed In Libya Lashes Out At Romney
October 10, 2012 - Mitt Romney got emotional on the campaign trail Tuesday when he described a chance meeting with former Navy SEAL Glen Doherty at a Christmas Party in La Jolla several years ago. Doherty was one of two former SEALs killed in the Libya embassy attack on September 11.


Doherty's mother Barbara, however, wasn't so charmed by the story. She told Boston television station WHDH-TV:

"I don't trust Romney. He shouldn't make my son's death part of his political agenda. It's wrong to use these brave young men, who wanted freedom for all, to degrade Obama."
You can watch the entire WHDH report here:


Hines VA program for the blind goes high-tech

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Beyond the white cane
10/9/2012 - To anyone unaware of the situation, it looks like Sofaia Kreider is simply taking a brisk walk, following a very determined man. But at closer quarters, it's clear something more complex is happening.

This is no ordinary walk but a training session. This is no ordinary man but Vietnam-era Army veteran William Taite of Bellwood. And Kreider isn't window-shopping: She is training Taite in the use of a specially-designed Trekker Breeze GPS unit.

Taite, who is blind, is enrolled in the Veterans Administration's Orientation and Mobility course. He has already mastered the use of his white cane and, with Kreider's help, is tackling the GPS unit, which enables him to plot a route - on foot or in a vehicle - and keep track of each intersection and the direction he is headed at all times. And Taite, 67, is very good at it. Kreider marvels at his impressive innate sense of direction.

Taite, who lost his sight to diabetes and glaucoma seven years ago, initially balked at the idea of taking his first course at Hines VA Hospital. read more>>>

9 Ekim 2012 Salı

'Con Man' Bobby Thompson: U.S. Navy Veterans Association {UpDated}

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Feds: Notorious Alleged Con Man 'Bobby Thompson' Was Military Spy
Oct. 1, 2012 - Authorities revealed today that they believe "Bobby Thompson," the man accused of using a fake veterans charity to swindle more than $100 million and to rub shoulders with top-level Republicans, is actually a former military intelligence officer named John Donald Cody.

Officials said Cody has been on an FBI watch list for 25 years after being accused of various frauds and was wanted for questioning related to an espionage investigation.

U.S. Marshal Peter Elliott told reporters that he discovered Cody while searching through old FBI Wanted posters. He said details about the two identities kept matching up, from his unusual hairstyle, his history in the state of Arizona, and his knowledge of the law. Cody, Elliot said, had graduated from Harvard Law School.

The Marshal said Cody spent years evading arrest before he assumed the Thompson persona.


To help enhance the charity's credibility, Thompson allegedly used some of the money to make large campaign contributions to prominent politicians, most of them Republicans, including President George W. Bush, Sen. John McCain, and Ohio Rep. John Boehner, now Speaker of the House. He attended events with the political figures, and posed proudly for now infamous photos with them. read more>>>

UpDate: Marshals reveal identity of 'Bobby Thompson'

Vets Find Therapy in the Arts

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Creative Arts as Rehabilitation
VA medical facilities across the country use the creative arts as one form of rehabilitative treatment to help Veterans recover from and cope with physical and emotional disabilities.

Each year, Veterans treated at VA facilities compete in a local creative arts competition. The competition includes 53 categories in the visual arts division this year that range from oil painting to leatherwork to paint-by-number kits. In addition, there are 120 categories in the performing arts pertaining to all aspects of music, dance, drama and creative writing.

A national selection committee chooses first, second and third place winners among all of the entries. The Veterans invited to participate in the National Veterans Creative Arts Festival are selected winners from the 2012 national competition. read more>>>

Military Veterans Refute Romney Remarks

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October 08, 2012 - A pair of West Point graduates with a combined over three decades of military service said Romney's speech was short sighted.

Automatically Generated Transcript

The Obama campaign had a pair career military men in Lexington for rebuttal retired lieutenant colonel bin Webb of Virginia veterans for Obama. And captain Terrence sins the second both West Point graduates as governor Romney missed the mark on many aspects of speech. Such as possibly arming the rebels of the series.

Syria is a very complex situation had to run -- to a -- law. Putting the lives of our military men and women at risk without. Using every other every other possible alternative. It is irresponsible.

Lieutenant colonel Webb also said the president's policy on Afghanistan was practical and sound.

‘Battling Bare’ Campaign: Calling Attention to the Silent Wounds of War

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Bravo ladies, wives of those serving or recent veterans, a unique way to teach an apathetic country of the results of the wars they cheer on but refuse to sacrifice themselves for, especially in election years. Some will say this is shocking but tastefully done there's no shock involved, just a very unique way, especially in today's world, of bringing attention to a very serious issue and keeping it embedded in the peoples minds. It certainly is attention getting!

Veterans and civilians of Wars have always used the arts in many forms to draw attention to issues as well as to help themselves in the issues they, and their brothers and sisters, now are living from the experiences of. Same for families of.

We should have done something like this or other similar type campaigns to add to what we were trying to do, would have gotten attention but I doubt the country would have rushed to demand their sacrifice as they aren't now, as we finally brought recognition to what always was, PTSD and the silent wounds of war, but including in the civilian populations of traumatic life experiences.

The country was able to ignore, along with many other issues of our wars, for over forty years till these two present ones your husbands are being sent to serve in multiple times as well as many wives and single women, many being single moms.

Military wives strip down to support spouses in ‘Battling Bare’ campaign
Ashley Wise took this photo in April to launch her campaign, 'Battling Bare.'

Striking topless pictures serve to call attention to service members struggling with post-traumatic stress and other invisible injuries of war. ‘Battling Bare’ founder Ashley Wise started the movement after a frustrating ordeal of trying to get her husband help.

October 8, 2012 - Military wives are stripping down to support their spouses in a striking photo campaign to call attention to the silent wounds of war.

Under the slogan “Battling Bare,” hundreds of women have taken off their shirts and inked themselves with a “pledge” to stand by their husbands as they heal, and spread word that these veterans need help coping with mental health issues that can’t be seen.

The movement was started in April by Ashley Wise, who had been going through a frustrating ordeal trying to get help for her husband, a former Marine and Army veteran who has served three tours in Iraq.

“My husband battles daily with his demons of war,” Wise, 29, wrote on the Facebook page she created for Battling Bare. “I, and wives like me, have tried everything we know to try to help.”


Children can also take the pledge on their feet.

She says the response has been so overwhelmingly positive that they decided to start an official organization to help veterans through referrals, advocacy and financial assistance, and are currently seeking nonprofit status. Wise hopes to partner with the Department of Defense and Veterans Affairs to help military families get the help they need.

"It's been very surreal," she said of the reaction she’s gotten to the project, including women who have tattooed her words on their bodies. "It's blown my mind that something as simple as that would touch the hearts and souls of so many other families that are out there." read more>>>

8 Ekim 2012 Pazartesi

Marine Combat Vet: 'All you've got left are these pieces'

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A country song about PTSD: 'All you've got left are these pieces'
Everything you see in the music video happened to Marine-turned-country-singer Stephen Cochran: Pushing the girl away, boozing into oblivion, the gun on the blanket. It all went down last year.

Even the actor who portrays Cochran is, himself, a former Marine and Iraq veteran who knows of post-traumatic stress, who has wrangled with identical demons. The actor was not acting.


The only on-screen tweak from reality was the type firearm shown. In his dimmest hour, behind a locked door in his Nashville home, exhausted, alone, and telling himself: “I’m done,” Cochran rested a loaded shotgun against his bed.


But from anguish came inspiration. Amid an existence long blurred by PTSD — the residue of Afghanistan firefights, Marine buddies lost in combat, and his own nearly fatal injury — one question blazed in Cochran's head. He jotted it down: “How do you paint a picture back in focus?” read more>>>

"PIECES" Stephen cochran music video

'Con Man' Bobby Thompson: U.S. Navy Veterans Association {UpDated}

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Feds: Notorious Alleged Con Man 'Bobby Thompson' Was Military Spy
Oct. 1, 2012 - Authorities revealed today that they believe "Bobby Thompson," the man accused of using a fake veterans charity to swindle more than $100 million and to rub shoulders with top-level Republicans, is actually a former military intelligence officer named John Donald Cody.

Officials said Cody has been on an FBI watch list for 25 years after being accused of various frauds and was wanted for questioning related to an espionage investigation.

U.S. Marshal Peter Elliott told reporters that he discovered Cody while searching through old FBI Wanted posters. He said details about the two identities kept matching up, from his unusual hairstyle, his history in the state of Arizona, and his knowledge of the law. Cody, Elliot said, had graduated from Harvard Law School.

The Marshal said Cody spent years evading arrest before he assumed the Thompson persona.


To help enhance the charity's credibility, Thompson allegedly used some of the money to make large campaign contributions to prominent politicians, most of them Republicans, including President George W. Bush, Sen. John McCain, and Ohio Rep. John Boehner, now Speaker of the House. He attended events with the political figures, and posed proudly for now infamous photos with them. read more>>>

UpDate: Marshals reveal identity of 'Bobby Thompson'

Military Service and National Obligation

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Symposium discusses veterans’ issues
October 8, 2012 - The nature of modern war has widened the chasm between civilians and the armed forces, former College President James Wright said at a history symposium, “Military Service and National Obligation,” this weekend. The symposium, held Friday and Saturday, was an intellectual gathering that brought veterans and scholars together in a conversation about the role of our military in 21st century American society.

The event highlighted important themes of Wright’s recent book, "Those Who Have Borne the Battle: A History of America's Wars and Those Who Fought Them". The symposium opened Friday in Filene Auditorium with a roundtable discussion featuring Wright and Lt. Col. John Nagl, a U.S. Naval Academy Minerva Research Fellow. On Saturday, Dartmouth faculty lectured and presented papers on military history in Carson Hall.

A former Marine, Wright has been visiting veterans’ hospitals since 2005 to encourage veterans to continue their education, he said in an interview. Through his interactions with veterans and his extensive teaching experience, he noticed that there was little written information regarding veterans’ service to the United States, he said. The absence of literature moved Wright to publish his new book.

“The book focuses on how America has decided who will fight our wars for us, and, more importantly, how we choose to honor and support our veterans,” government professor Benjamin Valentino said during the symposium. read more>>>