July 14, 2011 - The VA provides the largest network of care facilities in the world, specifically aimed at our nation’s veterans. Medical centers and clinics span the country, providing physical and mental health care. Because the VA has been working to train all providers in evidence-based treatments for posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD), the VA mental health programs are a key resource in finding effective therapy (Where to Get Help). VA centers are a confidential option for combat veterans, and they also provide family care. VA benefits include a range of educational, financial, and other services. Some example programs include PTSD psychoeducation and the VA PTSD program locator (PTSD.va); the Veterans Justice Outreach program, created to help struggling veterans get into care instead of into the legal system; and a toll-free 24/7 Veteran Crisis hotline, offered in partnership with the Suicide Prevention Lifeline (800-273-8255, press 1 for veterans).
Services provided by the US Department of Defense (DoD)
The DoD is another large provider of resources for this cohort. Military One Source offers 24/7 assistance for troops, families, and veterans. The DoD Centers of Excellence for Psychological Health and Traumatic Brain Injury created the Web site After Deployment as well as a wealth of other programs and services. The National Guard Bureau supports Family Assistance Centers in all 50 states and provides family services for all branches of the military. In addition, it hosts Yellow Ribbon Reintegration events, before and after deployment, to facilitate the reintegration process.
Services provided at the state level
23 Haziran 2012 Cumartesi
The Aftermath Of War: Resources for Veterans
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Services provided by the US Department of Veterans Affairs (VA)
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