They had a hearing in the Senate Committee on Veterans Affairs, guess what the minority senate leader of the committee even showed up, richard burr, which he hasn't for at least the previous two, It covered a number of issues and Veterans Education was just one. Well the burr was up to his usual self of slamming the VA but on him trying to get a positive spin from a young vet on the private education schools, for profit, it wasn't gonna happen, the vet took him down a number of pegs as the burr tried and tried then just had to give up!!
June 11, 2012 - Senator Jon Tester is doubling down on his pledge to support Montana’s student veterans.
Tester is introducing legislation that will give veterans a “seat at the table” to provide feedback and improve Department of Veterans Affairs’ education policies. Tester’s reform bill will guarantee that the VA’s Advisory Committee on Education will include student veterans and college representatives.
“Veterans made tremendous sacrifices for this country and earned a seat at the table to make sure the education benefits they earned work for them,” said Tester, Montana’s only member of the Senate Veterans’ Affairs Committee. “My bill ensures that the voices of veterans and schools are heard and that smart, responsible decisions are being made with their input.”
Student veterans and Montana education officials tell Tester that they are rarely consulted by the VA or offered opportunities to provide feedback on VA education policies – like the distribution of G.I. Bill benefits. Tester’s bill will require the veterans’ advisory committee to report recommendations to the VA and Congress at least twice per year.
In addition to increasing participation from student veterans, Tester’s bill also requires input from service organizations like the American Legion and vocational schools that enroll veterans. read more>>>
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