Because a Country served doesn't feel they need to Sacrifice, nor demand to, as they cheer on wars, Your 'Freedom is Free!', especially of choice, and occupations of others and thus call themselves 'patriotic' in numerous ways while 'supporting the troops'!
Richard Fleming served 12 years in the U.S. Army and has worked for the past 20 years at the Veterans Health Administration’s (VHA's) Temple Texas hospital. He began with an entry-level job in the kitchen and, with training and education, became a surgical technician. He also is one of the thousands of modestly paid VHA workers whose jobs have been arbitrarily downgraded.
Nobody talked to me about it. I found out I was downgraded through a memo….I was downgraded by people who do not ever see what I do on a day-to-day basis. What have I done and what have my co-workers done to deserve this? No one gave me my GS-5 [job classification]. I earned it.Fleming was one of several hundred AFGE members and supporters from other unions who rallied today in Lafayette Park, across from the White House and near Veterans Affairs (VA) headquarters, to urge the VA to put a moratorium on the downgrades. read more>>>
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