The country had already abandoned the Veterans of the previous decades and our wars since WWII and the many issues ignored, PTS, Agent Orange, Desert Storms Gulf War Syndrome and so many more while under funding the VA and really so in the past decade plus. Many many of the brothers and sisters of have passed on because of and now many of these recent Vets have also. These brothers and sisters shouldn't have to continue the same battles on their home turf.
National Guard soldiers and airmen face unemployment crisis
No longer 'weekend warriors,' an estimated 20% of returning Guard members in the U.S. are jobless. Some employers are reluctant to hire them because, unlike other veterans, they can be called up again.
November 23, 2012 - For 1st Lt. Ernest Rodriguez, weekly chats with his young daughter via phone or Skype are the highlight of duty in Afghanistan.
The father from Sacramento desperately wants to come home to 7-year-old Samantha. But instead, he has signed up for another year in the war zone. He needs the money and he knows that returning National Guard troops face high unemployment.
More than half of those in his unit had no work when they got back to California in August. Across the country, an estimated 20% of returning National Guard soldiers and airmen are without jobs, former National Guard Bureau Chief Gen. Craig R. McKinley told Congress earlier this year. That is twice the rate for all military veterans who have served since September 2001.
The Obama administration has helped reduce the unemployment rate for all recent veterans, from 15% nearly two years ago to 10% last month, by developing online tools to help returning troops find jobs, working with employers to increase recruitment and retention, and signing into law tax credits for hiring veterans.
But the rate remains stubbornly high for National Guard members and military reservists. Some employers are reluctant to hire them because, unlike other veterans joining the civilian workforce, they can be called up again. read more>>>
This Executive Branch their Cabinet and this Veterans Administration have combined to do what they can under their limited government abilities, some in Congress, where the abilities as representatives of the people are held, have helped others not so same in the States. Way past time the Country stood up, way past!
This one is right up the controlling political parties, tepublicans, alley. The ability to Attack the VA personal and underfunded VA, trying to build the VA that should always have been, finally, and getting everyone involved in that. Underfunded because of their decades long obstruction, especially with these two present wars and related to veterans affairs, while they quickly rubber stamp defense, and especially war, costs and without looking at their own mirror reflections as to how they waste our money for similar and more!
VA Conference Spending Accountability
House Committee on Veterans' Affairs | 334 Cannon House Office Building Washington, DC | Nov 28, 2012 10:15am
Panel 1
The Honorable W. Scott Gould, Deputy Secretary of Veterans Affairs, U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs Accompanied by: Mr. W. Todd Grams, Executive in Charge, Office of Management Chief Financial Officer, U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs Ms. Phillipa Anderson, Assistant General Counsel, U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs
Visit House home page for possible live stream at time of hearing, above. Visit site page for statements.
The only ones, congressional reps that don't represent, 'fired up', are the ones who will once again seek cutting the VA budget, as they continue to do and did in the 112th and previous, as they carry their attacks on the decades long underfunded, especially this past decade, Veterans Administration!
'Truce is over': Fired-up congressional panel vows strict VA oversight
29 November 2012 - Members of Congress angrily vowed Wednesday to crank its investigative floodlights far brighter on the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs, accusing agency leaders of dodging direct questions on travel and conference spending, failing to disclose a gathering in Las Vegas, and exhibiting “total incompetence” as veterans wait in record-long lines for medical help. read more>>>
As they also seek to privatize not only this agency, the Peoples Responsibility, but all government agencies. As it was pointed out in the hearing, what they totally ignore, that businesses and corporations the size of the VA especially have even worse, and many more, problems then in this case money spent foolishly on an otherwise needed gathering of Veterans officials and workers that are trying to finally build the Agency that always should have been while still fighting congress who didn't fund them.
They also made fools of themselves as they condemned the Agency and their words showed they think they themselves are above also being condemned for the even greater and consistent waste they perpetuate constantly within the halls of the peoples houses and outside of for their benefits!
The whole hearing, as have been most especially when done under tepub control, was pure hubris of blatant arrogance on their part!!
And the press carries that further as they jump in to support our wars of choice and the rubber stamped costs but then play nothing, like these reps, in Demanding the Country Should Sacrifice for the cost of the wars and the results from, not a dime has been paid for these, deficits had already started rising rapidly Before 9/11 are are still added to daily!!
How About This for Supporting the Troops: What Always Should Have Been, Citizens Sacrifice!!
No Revenues {especially from the wealthy nor their private reagan capitalism economic investments, free market supply side capitalism} = No Sacrifice = No Support = DeJa-Vu all over again!!
By the Numbers: Supporting Veterans Success as Small Business Owners
November 2012 - Empowering Veterans through Entrepreneurship
U.S. military veterans own 2.4 million businesses, or nearly 1 in 10 of all businesses nationwide. 8.3 percent of veteran business owners have service-connected disabilities.
Veteran-owned businesses generate $1.2 trillion in receipts and employ nearly 5.8 million people.
In the private sector workforce, veterans are at least 45 percent more likely than those with no active-duty military experience to be self-employed.
Expanding Access to Capital and Markets
By the Numbers: Supporting Veterans Success as Small Business Owners
NORFOLK, Va. -- November 29, 2012 -- On Saturday, a legendary naval veteran will retire after a half-century of service. The USS Enterprise was the world's first nuclear-powered aircraft carrier and traveled the world in war and in peace.
In five decades as one of the most powerful warships on the sea, the USS Enterprise's moment of greatest peril came one morning in 1969 during a final battle drill before heading to Vietnam.
Michael Carlin was a 21-year-old sailor getting a deck full of F-4 Phantom fighters ready to launch.
"On each F-4 Phantom, there were eight five-inch rockets and six 500-pound bombs," says Carlin, the author of TRIAL: Ordeal of the USS Enterprise 14 January, 1969.
The exhaust from a service vehicle overheated the fuse on one of those rockets, touching off what one sailor called "the vortex of hell" -- and all of it was recorded in silent horror by a deck camera.
"We had eight rockets go off in the first 20 seconds," Carlin says.
Shrapnel from the rockets tore across the deck, mowing down sailors and puncturing the fuel tanks of the F-4s, each one of them loaded with nine tons of jet fuel. Then it got worse.
"Now the bombs started going off, and that was a totally different ballgame there," says Carlin. read more>>>
While I'm not a fan of the oilsands industry nor the oil from, especially pumping it through the U.S., with loose regulations, to ports to be sent elsewhere, at least there's businesses in other Countries that recognize that Ex-Military personal have the skills, along with developed critical thought and common sense gifts, needed to fill their innovative work forces with quick turns in the needed training they wouldn't get if hiring the so called higher educated with degree's.
As well as the other very important issue, them reagan capitalist, trickle downers, aren't and haven't been investing their accumulated gross wealth, off the labors of the masses, into economic growth as that new capitalism con was sold way back when. And our once vibrant and envied economy was humming right along from it's experienced innovative workers, now the many trades of once are no longer here, stagnated at the same time of the introduction of same capitalism model.
Alberta to recruit American war vets to work in oilsands
November 16, 2012 - Alberta is seeking to recruit an army of oilsands workers — literally.
The province is on the march to attract thousands of demobilized U.S. military personnel to help develop what's been touted as Canada's economic engine for coming decades, the oilsands.
"These are a lot of fairly highly-disciplined Americans, some of whom would have skills, presumably, for the oil industry," he said. "Ever since the Dingman well discovery in 1914, we've never had enough human resources and capital of our own to develop the oil industry."
Forecasts conducted on the labour needs of Alberta's energy sector range greatly, with one study stating the province could be short 130,000 workers within seven years. read more>>>
By the way, Australia has been looking to hire U.S. veterans' for it's mining and other business industries.
The country had already abandoned the Veterans of the previous decades and our wars since WWII and the many issues ignored, PTS, Agent Orange, Desert Storms Gulf War Syndrome and so many more while under funding the VA and really so in the past decade plus. Many many of the brothers and sisters of have passed on because of and now many of these recent Vets have also. These brothers and sisters shouldn't have to continue the same battles on their home turf.
National Guard soldiers and airmen face unemployment crisis
No longer 'weekend warriors,' an estimated 20% of returning Guard members in the U.S. are jobless. Some employers are reluctant to hire them because, unlike other veterans, they can be called up again.
November 23, 2012 - For 1st Lt. Ernest Rodriguez, weekly chats with his young daughter via phone or Skype are the highlight of duty in Afghanistan.
The father from Sacramento desperately wants to come home to 7-year-old Samantha. But instead, he has signed up for another year in the war zone. He needs the money and he knows that returning National Guard troops face high unemployment.
More than half of those in his unit had no work when they got back to California in August. Across the country, an estimated 20% of returning National Guard soldiers and airmen are without jobs, former National Guard Bureau Chief Gen. Craig R. McKinley told Congress earlier this year. That is twice the rate for all military veterans who have served since September 2001.
The Obama administration has helped reduce the unemployment rate for all recent veterans, from 15% nearly two years ago to 10% last month, by developing online tools to help returning troops find jobs, working with employers to increase recruitment and retention, and signing into law tax credits for hiring veterans.
But the rate remains stubbornly high for National Guard members and military reservists. Some employers are reluctant to hire them because, unlike other veterans joining the civilian workforce, they can be called up again. read more>>>
This Executive Branch their Cabinet and this Veterans Administration have combined to do what they can under their limited government abilities, some in Congress, where the abilities as representatives of the people are held, have helped others not so same in the States. Way past time the Country stood up, way past!
This one is right up the controlling political parties, tepublicans, alley. The ability to Attack the VA personal and underfunded VA, trying to build the VA that should always have been, finally, and getting everyone involved in that. Underfunded because of their decades long obstruction, especially with these two present wars and related to veterans affairs, while they quickly rubber stamp defense, and especially war, costs and without looking at their own mirror reflections as to how they waste our money for similar and more!
VA Conference Spending Accountability
House Committee on Veterans' Affairs | 334 Cannon House Office Building Washington, DC | Nov 28, 2012 10:15am
Panel 1
The Honorable W. Scott Gould, Deputy Secretary of Veterans Affairs, U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs Accompanied by: Mr. W. Todd Grams, Executive in Charge, Office of Management Chief Financial Officer, U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs Ms. Phillipa Anderson, Assistant General Counsel, U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs
Visit House home page for possible live stream at time of hearing, above. Visit site page for statements.
These are always needed, once, professions in the needed economic trades environment, that many ex-military personal are perfect for. The military training has developed their common sense and critical thought gifts, needed especially if sent into war and occupation theaters but also within much of the military communities needs as they support the bases and if in theaters need varied skills to be able to quickly take over anothers job, if a brother or sister falls, for their survival and the survival of those they're with. Like I said earlier 'once professions'. Having myself been a professional carpenter 'once', with multiple other trades expertise in the construction industry, for way over forty years. 'Once' because the trades have been relegated down in stature within our economy, whether union or non union, to skilled labor or just labor designation, even as prices for product, houses, commercial/industrial buildings,infrastructure needs, etc. rose and wages were blamed for those cost rises. That kept the wages and benefits stagnated or dropping for the past couple of decades. Unlike many working in the office buildings etc., we build, who if having a piece of paper from an expensive higher education facility theirs have risen and many titles added, even in the bigger contractors offices.
Marine helps vets find work rebuilding after Sandy
November 28, 2012 - Bruce Bradford spent 12 years in the Army, fixing vehicles and rebuilding communities in Iraq and Afghanistan. He was discharged in 2010 and has been out of work ever since.
"You put so much into serving your country that once you take the uniform off, it's almost as if you lose a sense of pride and a sense of dignity, because you wake up, and you realize, 'I used to stand for something,'" Bradford says.
That's why Bradford soldiered through a foot injury to get to a veterans' job fair in Toms River, N.J.
Kevin Schmiegel is a retired Marine who runs "Hiring Our Heroes".
"This is not charity, this is about connecting talented young men and women, giving them the tools they need to connect with an employer, and helping them land a career," Schmiegel says. read more>>>
Military veterans already have a wide variety of skills taught while serving in those communities. Honed skills in most any area makes them able to quickly pick up any needed skills for different jobs, within the military community or especially the civilian economy, or professions, even in offices, especially with short time training by an experienced trades professional. In almost all trades they also come in with fresh minds and abilities, along with leadership qualities and a natural team work mentality, thus even developing other ways to perform the needed jobs that the experienced hadn't thought of because they've set their own ways and gotten used to doing same. They can even train the experienced with new idea's. They've been trained to hone those critical thought gifts thus pick up quickly new developments in tools and machinery just as experienced trades workers already do, that which helps make the labor easier and even quicker and importantly safer. Experienced well paid trades are an economies backbone as they fill and maintain the many needs of the business and corporate, even higher education, area's they need to exist and flourish for success and continued growth.
Reasons above, and more, are what gives the ability to start veterans organizations and quickly fill the needs of when their community or the civilian communities especially need to be served again, one like Team Rubicon and hurricane Sandy's many clearing and rebuilding needs:
A 'Thanksgiving message from the team:
From our family to yours, Thank You.
Thanksgiving, 2012
As we reflect back on the last three weeks of work in New York and New Jersey, we realize that we have much to be thankful for: our brothers and sisters in arms, the opportunity to continue our service, and a resilient nation. Perhaps most critical, however, is the generous support of people like you.
So from our TR Family to yours, Thank You.
Want to see more inspiring photos from Hurricane Sandy? Check out these incredible images.
DoD Sec. Panetta, Dr. Jill Biden, Honors Vets at ‘Wall’ Education Center Groundbreaking
Nov. 28, 2012 – The education center at the Vietnam Veterans Memorial “Wall” will be a place to join the past to the future, Defense Secretary Leon E. Panetta said at the center's groundbreaking ceremony today.
By telling the stories of service members whose names are inscribed on the Vietnam Veterans Memorial, those who paid the ultimate sacrifice for their country will not be forgotten, he said.
Dr. Jill Biden, wife of Vice President Joe Biden, joined Panetta at the ceremony, held near the memorial on the National Mall here. The groundbreaking included a large delegation of congressional and military leaders and members of Gold Star Families -- an organization for families that have lost loved ones in military service.
"It will be a site for future generations of Americans to learn, think and reflect on our nation's wars and those who fought them," Panetta said of the education center. "This is a very poignant moment, for a very special place in my heart for [Vietnam veterans]." read more>>>
Secretary of Defense Leon Panetta and Dr. Jill Biden deliver remarks
While I'm not a fan of the oilsands industry nor the oil from, especially pumping it through the U.S., with loose regulations, to ports to be sent elsewhere, at least there's businesses in other Countries that recognize that Ex-Military personal have the skills, along with developed critical thought and common sense gifts, needed to fill their innovative work forces with quick turns in the needed training they wouldn't get if hiring the so called higher educated with degree's.
As well as the other very important issue, them reagan capitalist, trickle downers, aren't and haven't been investing their accumulated gross wealth, off the labors of the masses, into economic growth as that new capitalism con was sold way back when. And our once vibrant and envied economy was humming right along from it's experienced innovative workers, now the many trades of once are no longer here, stagnated at the same time of the introduction of same capitalism model.
Alberta to recruit American war vets to work in oilsands
November 16, 2012 - Alberta is seeking to recruit an army of oilsands workers — literally.
The province is on the march to attract thousands of demobilized U.S. military personnel to help develop what's been touted as Canada's economic engine for coming decades, the oilsands.
"These are a lot of fairly highly-disciplined Americans, some of whom would have skills, presumably, for the oil industry," he said. "Ever since the Dingman well discovery in 1914, we've never had enough human resources and capital of our own to develop the oil industry."
Forecasts conducted on the labour needs of Alberta's energy sector range greatly, with one study stating the province could be short 130,000 workers within seven years. read more>>>
By the way, Australia has been looking to hire U.S. veterans' for it's mining and other business industries.
The country had already abandoned the Veterans of the previous decades and our wars since WWII and the many issues ignored, PTS, Agent Orange, Desert Storms Gulf War Syndrome and so many more while under funding the VA and really so in the past decade plus. Many many of the brothers and sisters of have passed on because of and now many of these recent Vets have also. These brothers and sisters shouldn't have to continue the same battles on their home turf.
National Guard soldiers and airmen face unemployment crisis
No longer 'weekend warriors,' an estimated 20% of returning Guard members in the U.S. are jobless. Some employers are reluctant to hire them because, unlike other veterans, they can be called up again.
November 23, 2012 - For 1st Lt. Ernest Rodriguez, weekly chats with his young daughter via phone or Skype are the highlight of duty in Afghanistan.
The father from Sacramento desperately wants to come home to 7-year-old Samantha. But instead, he has signed up for another year in the war zone. He needs the money and he knows that returning National Guard troops face high unemployment.
More than half of those in his unit had no work when they got back to California in August. Across the country, an estimated 20% of returning National Guard soldiers and airmen are without jobs, former National Guard Bureau Chief Gen. Craig R. McKinley told Congress earlier this year. That is twice the rate for all military veterans who have served since September 2001.
The Obama administration has helped reduce the unemployment rate for all recent veterans, from 15% nearly two years ago to 10% last month, by developing online tools to help returning troops find jobs, working with employers to increase recruitment and retention, and signing into law tax credits for hiring veterans.
But the rate remains stubbornly high for National Guard members and military reservists. Some employers are reluctant to hire them because, unlike other veterans joining the civilian workforce, they can be called up again. read more>>>
This Executive Branch their Cabinet and this Veterans Administration have combined to do what they can under their limited government abilities, some in Congress, where the abilities as representatives of the people are held, have helped others not so same in the States. Way past time the Country stood up, way past!
VA turns to electronic payments to save money, improve work
Nov 27, 2012 - Companies soon will be required to submit payments to the Veterans Affairs Department in electronic form. It will be mandatory as officials work to boost VA's productivity and garner more savings from even the smallest corners.
VA officials announced the finalized rule Nov. 27 in the Federal Register. The new rule takes effect Dec. 27.
Electronic payments will help VA make its timely payments and avoid interest penalties for late payments. VA will also be able to increase how much money it can save from prompt payment discounts. On top of that, VA will bring electronic government deeper into its operations. The result could lead to improving how VA achieves its performance goals and reduces its own costs and the burdens on businesses. read more>>>
This one is right up the controlling political parties, tepublicans, alley. The ability to Attack the VA personal and underfunded VA, trying to build the VA that should always have been, finally, and getting everyone involved in that. Underfunded because of their decades long obstruction, especially with these two present wars and related to veterans affairs, while they quickly rubber stamp defense, and especially war, costs and without looking at their own mirror reflections as to how they waste our money for similar and more!
VA Conference Spending Accountability
House Committee on Veterans' Affairs | 334 Cannon House Office Building Washington, DC | Nov 28, 2012 10:15am
Panel 1
The Honorable W. Scott Gould, Deputy Secretary of Veterans Affairs, U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs Accompanied by: Mr. W. Todd Grams, Executive in Charge, Office of Management Chief Financial Officer, U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs Ms. Phillipa Anderson, Assistant General Counsel, U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs
Visit House home page for possible live stream at time of hearing, above. Visit site page for statements.
Can't wait to watch the Congressional Hearings on this one, especially in the House.
And they are more then likely to come. As the rubber stamping no bid government contracts for private corporations, why just ask cheney and the rest "they're the only ones in the world qualified to do the work needed" was said, even the fox parrots kept up that meme, congressional wing will be ordered by their real masters to hold them,in this case KBR.
Iraq war contractor says government should pay in case about sickened soldiers
Nov 27, 2012 - An Iraq war contractor that lost an $85 million verdict to a group of sickened Oregon soldiers has filed a lawsuit seeking to force the federal government to pay the soldiers' damages.
In early November, 12 Oregon National Guard soldiers won the verdict against Kellogg Brown and Root, an engineering and construction firm that helped lead the reconstruction work in post-war Iraq. The soldiers were exposed to a toxin while guarding an Iraqi water plant.
In the new lawsuit, KBR also demands that the government pay more than $15 million in its lawyers' fees.
KBR said in the suit that it had no insurance to cover its wartime work, and the government's refusal to involve itself in lawsuits constitutes a breach of the indemnification agreement.
At least another 130 suits are pending from soldiers in England, Texas, Indiana and West Virginia, as well as other Oregon soldiers who were present at the Iraqi water plant, called Qarmat Ali. read more>>>
KBR, that upstanding private corporation, billions in war profiteering made no questions asked and all with no bidding and quickly rubber stamped by their congressional patriots off the books till the new Executive branch came in and all borrowed, could do no wrong!
Why the males employee's of KBR treated the women employee's with respect? The same care and respect was shown for the soldiers serving in theater, why even to their safety while taking showers?
The wars, neither one, have yet to be paid for, tax cuts especially for the wealthy came with them and are still in place, but in the sacrifice and blood of those serving and their families, nor have the costs of the results of both with one still winding down!
Them rubber stamped no bid contracts were written and signed and now will the country let these shoddy and inept war profiteering private contractors walk away basking in the huge wealth made as they did those who led the country into abandoning the main missions for even sending the military into that region to destroy another country! All for the glory and power, and easy wealth, of the U.S. of A.!
From the DoL Newsletter 15 November 2012 - In the next five years, 1.5 million military personnel will be transitioning from active duty to civilian life. Helping our military heroes find good jobs is a challenge — and a sacred obligation — that has been embraced by the department. In its efforts, the department has adopted a P3 campaign — to Prepare transitioning service members for civilian employment; to Provide resources and priority case management to veterans through the American Job Centers network; and to Protect their employment rights. The department is also part of the president's newly created Veterans Employment Initiative Task Force, designed to develop proposals to maximize the career readiness of all service members. This effort aims to give separating service members a clear path to; civilian employment; success in an academic or technical training program; or successful start-up of an independent business entity or nonprofit organization. The Task Force includes the departments of Defense, Veterans Affairs, Labor, Education, Small Business Administration, and the Office of Personnel Management. The department's commitments to veterans are being led and coordinated by the Veterans' Employment and Training Service.
Cpl. Aaron MankinPublished on Nov 14, 2012 by IAVAVids
Cpl. Aaron Mankin spoke at IAVA's Sixth Annual Heroes Gala on Tuesday, November 13th in New York City. Aaron, IAVA's 2011 Veteran Leadership Honoree, is an Iraq Veteran and spokespman for UCLA's Operation Mend.
Cpl. Aaron Mankin: "Our Story"
I just streamed the Maddow show segment:
And again am very disappointed with her take and trying to use this, the Military especially those still being sent into theater , in her speaking points as to just picking up and pulling out of Afghanistan, many sitting at their computers, her on a national broadcasted cable show she gets very highly paid to do so, this day and age, in the comfort of their homes or somewhere in their communities do same.
That is not why he's telling his story!
Rachel is not a Military Veteran! Does she have the right to do the call for instant withdrawal, Of Course. Do the others, including many of our brothers and sisters in our Veterans Community, far more non veteran civilians do, Of Course. Do I want them out of this long occupation and those abandoned missions, You Bet I Do, but I'm not going to second guess those sent and trying to accomplish at least some of why they were sent in the first place and many died or were maimed trying to accomplish as they now seek a slow withdrawal to at least try. Many Afghans will be helped many won't and those sent know this, but for the fallen and maimed brothers and sisters they want to help as many Afghans as they can and hopefully leave a stable country which even that they realize may not happen. Thing is once again in these calls they leave out the Most Important Issue:
That's what he's speaking about, but more to those Veterans of attending then to the Country as a whole
Cpl. Aaron Mankin: "Our Story"
Rachel does this every-time she has segments related to the Military and Veterans of. She and IAVA call for parades, credit to her for pointing out the community parades and welcome homes, but Then What. They call for a National Parade in NYC while we still have the Main Missions of why we sent the Military into that region ongoing, the one they want to just walk away from. IAVA doing what the other long established Veterans Organizations reaction and not proaction's as the leaders of do in Congressional Hearings and most of Congress, representatives of the people, do same, they too leave out the most important issue, as do that American Public, DeJa-Vu all over again. Cpl. Aaron Mankin says it near the end about "Having our backs when we return and I know you'll do just that!".
Does Anyone hear the Soldiers and Sailors being sent demanding that we end the occupation, Abandoned along with the Missions years back with almost full support of the Country with the first drum beat pointed at Iraq and the lying reasons for from the top civilian and military leaders beating those drums, and walk away, as we did during Vietnam in an ever growing movement of Active and Veterans of! Even those from Iraq and Iraq Veterans Against the War, active duty that joined them, take their orders and join their brothers and sisters in theater.
What's that extremely important issue everyone once again ignores:
"Having our backs when we return and I know you'll do just that!"
That the Country has yet to Sacrifice and fulfill their obligation to those that not only serve to protect them, and Constitution, but they demand same be sent into their chosen wars. The tax cuts came with both wars, once again the Abandoning the Main Missions to gladly send them to invade another country same region. This is what he is talking about though Not Demanding but stating the should be obvious the Countries Responsibility, as the deficits had already started rising Before 9/11. I hear tax cuts and for these past decades I think more of the decades long Under Funding the Agency that is the Peoples Responsibility to those that serve and the Representatives who should be demanding, especially as the Country sends our Military into wars, attacking same Agency because of what that underfunding causes, like backlogs from returning troops joining our Veterans community and needing it's help, needing help from the people served.
Rachel has the soapbox of the media and shes good at it, she isn't the only one, she and they in the media and the citizens of the country, including the new national org IAVA as well as the long established veterans orgs, should be questioning why the country has yet to Sacrifice and especially in these times the continuing talk about the countries budget and the huge deficits that the war costs and results of these wars, along with the previous wars in the preceding decades are being added to daily. And with the decades long underfunding, ignoring what the veterans are saying about their needs and the issues from, PTS, Agent Orange, Gulf War Syndrome, Military in Theater Burn Pits to name but a few though PTS and TBI now can't be ignored so easily, adds to the apathy of a country that loves cheering on wars, waving flags and using symbols and calling that patriotism, but not seeking to serve nor Sacrifice a few pennies in taxes for the treasury thus for the Agency to build what always should have been which would save budget funds.
Think the National Parade, and recently the Welcome Homes for us Vietnam Veterans, after Desert Storm. Now ask a Veteran, especially the hundreds to thousands suffering from Gulf War Syndrome, of how much Help came from them when the folks attending, more not or if on TV watching, went home and put those flags away till the next opportunity to wave that 'patriotism'.
Most of these younger Veterans are already facing, and have for the past decade plus, the same battles we older veterans have been fighting and we're still fighting them as we grow older and die off like the Country wants us to rather then address the real issues of those who've served them and they demanded their sacrifice, and will be facing same in the decades to come. While the Country, especially through their hired representatives, many wanting to privatize for profit, continues laying blame, including many vets, on the Agency that's the peoples responsibility!!
I hope I made the point as there's plenty I could have tried to write about all of this, but this Veteran already knows what many of us also learned, we can depend on our own brothers and sisters, mostly, but not the Country we've served as many of them argue about who's more patriotic then others!
While I'm not a fan of the oilsands industry nor the oil from, especially pumping it through the U.S., with loose regulations, to ports to be sent elsewhere, at least there's businesses in other Countries that recognize that Ex-Military personal have the skills, along with developed critical thought and common sense gifts, needed to fill their innovative work forces with quick turns in the needed training they wouldn't get if hiring the so called higher educated with degree's.
As well as the other very important issue, them reagan capitalist, trickle downers, aren't and haven't been investing their accumulated gross wealth, off the labors of the masses, into economic growth as that new capitalism con was sold way back when. And our once vibrant and envied economy was humming right along from it's experienced innovative workers, now the many trades of once are no longer here, stagnated at the same time of the introduction of same capitalism model.
Alberta to recruit American war vets to work in oilsands
November 16, 2012 - Alberta is seeking to recruit an army of oilsands workers — literally.
The province is on the march to attract thousands of demobilized U.S. military personnel to help develop what's been touted as Canada's economic engine for coming decades, the oilsands.
"These are a lot of fairly highly-disciplined Americans, some of whom would have skills, presumably, for the oil industry," he said. "Ever since the Dingman well discovery in 1914, we've never had enough human resources and capital of our own to develop the oil industry."
Forecasts conducted on the labour needs of Alberta's energy sector range greatly, with one study stating the province could be short 130,000 workers within seven years. read more>>>
By the way, Australia has been looking to hire U.S. veterans' for it's mining and other business industries.
The country had already abandoned the Veterans of the previous decades and our wars since WWII and the many issues ignored, PTS, Agent Orange, Desert Storms Gulf War Syndrome and so many more while under funding the VA and really so in the past decade plus. Many many of the brothers and sisters of have passed on because of and now many of these recent Vets have also. These brothers and sisters shouldn't have to continue the same battles on their home turf.
National Guard soldiers and airmen face unemployment crisis
No longer 'weekend warriors,' an estimated 20% of returning Guard members in the U.S. are jobless. Some employers are reluctant to hire them because, unlike other veterans, they can be called up again.
November 23, 2012 - For 1st Lt. Ernest Rodriguez, weekly chats with his young daughter via phone or Skype are the highlight of duty in Afghanistan.
The father from Sacramento desperately wants to come home to 7-year-old Samantha. But instead, he has signed up for another year in the war zone. He needs the money and he knows that returning National Guard troops face high unemployment.
More than half of those in his unit had no work when they got back to California in August. Across the country, an estimated 20% of returning National Guard soldiers and airmen are without jobs, former National Guard Bureau Chief Gen. Craig R. McKinley told Congress earlier this year. That is twice the rate for all military veterans who have served since September 2001.
The Obama administration has helped reduce the unemployment rate for all recent veterans, from 15% nearly two years ago to 10% last month, by developing online tools to help returning troops find jobs, working with employers to increase recruitment and retention, and signing into law tax credits for hiring veterans.
But the rate remains stubbornly high for National Guard members and military reservists. Some employers are reluctant to hire them because, unlike other veterans joining the civilian workforce, they can be called up again. read more>>>
This Executive Branch their Cabinet and this Veterans Administration have combined to do what they can under their limited government abilities, some in Congress, where the abilities as representatives of the people are held, have helped others not so same in the States. Way past time the Country stood up, way past!
Former Army General Explains Why The US Is Failing To Employ Its Veterans
Nov. 26, 2012 - It’s well documented that unemployment for our military veterans is disproportionately high.
According to some estimates, nearly a third of our youngest veterans returning from combat and serving our nation can’t find work, which is considerably higher than their non-veteran peers.
The question that all of us ask is “why?”
While veteran populations are disproportionately under-employed, they’re also disproportionately qualified for our most in-demand roles. So it raises questions about what systematic differences are present in this community that put these more qualified workers in a less marketable position.
I believe these differences are both structural and cultural.
The US Department of Defense has the most effective large-scale training program in the world. It’s unmatched in its ability to develop men and women with the Values, discipline and skills necessary to protect our national interests at home and abroad. Our military academies, ROTC programs, basic training, and post-graduate programs cultivate world-class skills for our women and men in combat and personnel supporting the largest-scale operations on the planet. read more>>>
The country had already abandoned the Veterans of the previous decades and our wars since WWII and the many issues ignored, PTS, Agent Orange, Desert Storms Gulf War Syndrome and so many more while under funding the VA and really so in the past decade plus. Many many of the brothers and sisters of have passed on because of and now many of these recent Vets have also. These brothers and sisters shouldn't have to continue the same battles on their home turf.
National Guard soldiers and airmen face unemployment crisis
No longer 'weekend warriors,' an estimated 20% of returning Guard members in the U.S. are jobless. Some employers are reluctant to hire them because, unlike other veterans, they can be called up again.
November 23, 2012 - For 1st Lt. Ernest Rodriguez, weekly chats with his young daughter via phone or Skype are the highlight of duty in Afghanistan.
The father from Sacramento desperately wants to come home to 7-year-old Samantha. But instead, he has signed up for another year in the war zone. He needs the money and he knows that returning National Guard troops face high unemployment.
More than half of those in his unit had no work when they got back to California in August. Across the country, an estimated 20% of returning National Guard soldiers and airmen are without jobs, former National Guard Bureau Chief Gen. Craig R. McKinley told Congress earlier this year. That is twice the rate for all military veterans who have served since September 2001.
The Obama administration has helped reduce the unemployment rate for all recent veterans, from 15% nearly two years ago to 10% last month, by developing online tools to help returning troops find jobs, working with employers to increase recruitment and retention, and signing into law tax credits for hiring veterans.
But the rate remains stubbornly high for National Guard members and military reservists. Some employers are reluctant to hire them because, unlike other veterans joining the civilian workforce, they can be called up again. read more>>>
This Executive Branch their Cabinet and this Veterans Administration have combined to do what they can under their limited government abilities, some in Congress, where the abilities as representatives of the people are held, have helped others not so same in the States. Way past time the Country stood up, way past!
"Had I not been in combat, my life would have never taken this path. You take the path that comes in front of you," Duckworth said
9 more Iraq, Afghan war veterans joining Congress
Nov 24, 2012 - WASHINGTON (AP) - As Tammy Duckworth sees it, her path to Congress began when she awoke in the fall of 2004 at Walter Reed Army Medical Center. She was missing both of her legs and faced the prospect of losing her right arm.
Months of agonizing therapy lay ahead. As the highest-ranking double amputee in the ward, Maj. Duckworth became the go-to person for soldiers complaining of substandard care and bureaucratic ambivalence.
Soon, she was pleading their cases to federal lawmakers, including her state's two U.S. senators at the time - Democrats Dick Durbin and Barack Obama of Illinois. Obama arranged for her to testify at congressional hearings. Durbin encouraged her to run for office.
She lost her first election, but six years later gave it another try and now is one of nine veterans of the Iraq and Afghanistan wars who will serve in next year's freshman class in the of House of Representatives.
Veterans' groups say the influx of Iraq and Afghanistan veterans is welcome because it comes at a time when the overall number of veterans in Congress is on a steep and steady decline. In the mid-1970s, the vast majority of lawmakers tended to be veterans.
For example, the 95th Congress, which served in 1977-78, had more than 400 veterans among its 535 members, according to the American Legion. The number of veterans next year in Congress will come to just more than 100. Most served during the Vietnam War era. In all, 16 served in Iraq or Afghanistan, not all in a combat role. read more>>>
Iraq-war veteran storming Congress on her two prosthetic legs: 'Bring it on'
25 November 2012 - When Tammy Duckworth steps into Congress this January for her first term, she’ll be carried by two prosthetic legs – and the potent notion that if she can survive a grenade blast while piloting a chopper, she surely can endure any political flak on Capitol Hill.
“The worst day for me in Washington on the floor of the House is never going to be as bad as me getting blown up. So bring it,” said Duckworth, a Democrat who represents Illinois’ 8th Congressional District, the suburbs north of Chicago. read more>>>
New veterans program gives apprenticeships to homeless vets
25 November 2012 - Like many veterans who return from combat, David Kurttila of Hot Springs described himself as just "blowing in the wind" after he came home from serving with the National Guard in Iraq.
Some soldiers — Kurttila among them — who cannot make a successful transition back to civilian life end up drifting or becoming homeless.
For a small group of struggling area vets, there is new hope from a U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs program that offers them work apprenticeships. The intent is to help them find future employment and also forge a new path to a better, more stable life.
And for a half-dozen of those local soldiers, that rebirth all starts in a cemetery.
Kurttila is one of six local veterans in the VA Black Hills Health Care System who have become the newest full-time employees at the Black Hills National Cemetery near Sturgis. read more>>>
In honor of Veterans Day, VA launched an ongoing portrait project entitled Strong at the Broken Places.
Strong at the Broken Places highlights portraits of courage, strength, intelligence and tenacity all found in Veterans who have succeeded after their military service by moving forward in positive and constructive ways. They are triumphant and resilient.
The project gives Veterans the opportunity to share their stories of reintegration in their own words. read more>>>
'Gifts', so that's what the Country calls it's Responsibility: "Romney attributes loss to 'gifts' Obama gave minorities"
The Country hasn't stood up and demanded it Sacrifice, especially through it's representatives, and sadly that will continue, for over a decade now added to the previous decades of underfunding it's Responsibility the Veterans Administration! These present wars nor results of, DeJa-Vu all over again, haven't been paid for! Deficits started rising Before 9/11 as surplus left was quickly depleted and costs of are still added to same as are the those decades long term costs as to the results of these wars once again!
From the DoL Newsletter 15 November 2012 - In the next five years, 1.5 million military personnel will be transitioning from active duty to civilian life. Helping our military heroes find good jobs is a challenge — and a sacred obligation — that has been embraced by the department. In its efforts, the department has adopted a P3 campaign — to Prepare transitioning service members for civilian employment; to Provide resources and priority case management to veterans through the American Job Centers network; and to Protect their employment rights. The department is also part of the president's newly created Veterans Employment Initiative Task Force, designed to develop proposals to maximize the career readiness of all service members. This effort aims to give separating service members a clear path to; civilian employment; success in an academic or technical training program; or successful start-up of an independent business entity or nonprofit organization. The Task Force includes the departments of Defense, Veterans Affairs, Labor, Education, Small Business Administration, and the Office of Personnel Management. The department's commitments to veterans are being led and coordinated by the Veterans' Employment and Training Service.
Cpl. Aaron MankinPublished on Nov 14, 2012 by IAVAVids
Cpl. Aaron Mankin spoke at IAVA's Sixth Annual Heroes Gala on Tuesday, November 13th in New York City. Aaron, IAVA's 2011 Veteran Leadership Honoree, is an Iraq Veteran and spokespman for UCLA's Operation Mend.
Cpl. Aaron Mankin: "Our Story"
I just streamed the Maddow show segment:
And again am very disappointed with her take and trying to use this, the Military especially those still being sent into theater , in her speaking points as to just picking up and pulling out of Afghanistan, many sitting at their computers, her on a national broadcasted cable show she gets very highly paid to do so, this day and age, in the comfort of their homes or somewhere in their communities do same.
That is not why he's telling his story!
Rachel is not a Military Veteran! Does she have the right to do the call for instant withdrawal, Of Course. Do the others, including many of our brothers and sisters in our Veterans Community, far more non veteran civilians do, Of Course. Do I want them out of this long occupation and those abandoned missions, You Bet I Do, but I'm not going to second guess those sent and trying to accomplish at least some of why they were sent in the first place and many died or were maimed trying to accomplish as they now seek a slow withdrawal to at least try. Many Afghans will be helped many won't and those sent know this, but for the fallen and maimed brothers and sisters they want to help as many Afghans as they can and hopefully leave a stable country which even that they realize may not happen. Thing is once again in these calls they leave out the Most Important Issue:
That's what he's speaking about, but more to those Veterans of attending then to the Country as a whole
Cpl. Aaron Mankin: "Our Story"
Rachel does this every-time she has segments related to the Military and Veterans of. She and IAVA call for parades, credit to her for pointing out the community parades and welcome homes, but Then What. They call for a National Parade in NYC while we still have the Main Missions of why we sent the Military into that region ongoing, the one they want to just walk away from. IAVA doing what the other long established Veterans Organizations reaction and not proaction's as the leaders of do in Congressional Hearings and most of Congress, representatives of the people, do same, they too leave out the most important issue, as do that American Public, DeJa-Vu all over again. Cpl. Aaron Mankin says it near the end about "Having our backs when we return and I know you'll do just that!".
Does Anyone hear the Soldiers and Sailors being sent demanding that we end the occupation, Abandoned along with the Missions years back with almost full support of the Country with the first drum beat pointed at Iraq and the lying reasons for from the top civilian and military leaders beating those drums, and walk away, as we did during Vietnam in an ever growing movement of Active and Veterans of! Even those from Iraq and Iraq Veterans Against the War, active duty that joined them, take their orders and join their brothers and sisters in theater.
What's that extremely important issue everyone once again ignores:
"Having our backs when we return and I know you'll do just that!"
That the Country has yet to Sacrifice and fulfill their obligation to those that not only serve to protect them, and Constitution, but they demand same be sent into their chosen wars. The tax cuts came with both wars, once again the Abandoning the Main Missions to gladly send them to invade another country same region. This is what he is talking about though Not Demanding but stating the should be obvious the Countries Responsibility, as the deficits had already started rising Before 9/11. I hear tax cuts and for these past decades I think more of the decades long Under Funding the Agency that is the Peoples Responsibility to those that serve and the Representatives who should be demanding, especially as the Country sends our Military into wars, attacking same Agency because of what that underfunding causes, like backlogs from returning troops joining our Veterans community and needing it's help, needing help from the people served.
Rachel has the soapbox of the media and shes good at it, she isn't the only one, she and they in the media and the citizens of the country, including the new national org IAVA as well as the long established veterans orgs, should be questioning why the country has yet to Sacrifice and especially in these times the continuing talk about the countries budget and the huge deficits that the war costs and results of these wars, along with the previous wars in the preceding decades are being added to daily. And with the decades long underfunding, ignoring what the veterans are saying about their needs and the issues from, PTS, Agent Orange, Gulf War Syndrome, Military in Theater Burn Pits to name but a few though PTS and TBI now can't be ignored so easily, adds to the apathy of a country that loves cheering on wars, waving flags and using symbols and calling that patriotism, but not seeking to serve nor Sacrifice a few pennies in taxes for the treasury thus for the Agency to build what always should have been which would save budget funds.
Think the National Parade, and recently the Welcome Homes for us Vietnam Veterans, after Desert Storm. Now ask a Veteran, especially the hundreds to thousands suffering from Gulf War Syndrome, of how much Help came from them when the folks attending, more not or if on TV watching, went home and put those flags away till the next opportunity to wave that 'patriotism'.
Most of these younger Veterans are already facing, and have for the past decade plus, the same battles we older veterans have been fighting and we're still fighting them as we grow older and die off like the Country wants us to rather then address the real issues of those who've served them and they demanded their sacrifice, and will be facing same in the decades to come. While the Country, especially through their hired representatives, many wanting to privatize for profit, continues laying blame, including many vets, on the Agency that's the peoples responsibility!!
I hope I made the point as there's plenty I could have tried to write about all of this, but this Veteran already knows what many of us also learned, we can depend on our own brothers and sisters, mostly, but not the Country we've served as many of them argue about who's more patriotic then others!
While I'm not a fan of the oilsands industry nor the oil from, especially pumping it through the U.S., with loose regulations, to ports to be sent elsewhere, at least there's businesses in other Countries that recognize that Ex-Military personal have the skills, along with developed critical thought and common sense gifts, needed to fill their innovative work forces with quick turns in the needed training they wouldn't get if hiring the so called higher educated with degree's.
As well as the other very important issue, them reagan capitalist, trickle downers, aren't and haven't been investing their accumulated gross wealth, off the labors of the masses, into economic growth as that new capitalism con was sold way back when. And our once vibrant and envied economy was humming right along from it's experienced innovative workers, now the many trades of once are no longer here, stagnated at the same time of the introduction of same capitalism model.
Alberta to recruit American war vets to work in oilsands
November 16, 2012 - Alberta is seeking to recruit an army of oilsands workers — literally.
The province is on the march to attract thousands of demobilized U.S. military personnel to help develop what's been touted as Canada's economic engine for coming decades, the oilsands.
"These are a lot of fairly highly-disciplined Americans, some of whom would have skills, presumably, for the oil industry," he said. "Ever since the Dingman well discovery in 1914, we've never had enough human resources and capital of our own to develop the oil industry."
Forecasts conducted on the labour needs of Alberta's energy sector range greatly, with one study stating the province could be short 130,000 workers within seven years. read more>>>
By the way, Australia has been looking to hire U.S. veterans' for it's mining and other business industries.
The country had already abandoned the Veterans of the previous decades and our wars since WWII and the many issues ignored, PTS, Agent Orange, Desert Storms Gulf War Syndrome and so many more while under funding the VA and really so in the past decade plus. Many many of the brothers and sisters of have passed on because of and now many of these recent Vets have also. These brothers and sisters shouldn't have to continue the same battles on their home turf.
National Guard soldiers and airmen face unemployment crisis
No longer 'weekend warriors,' an estimated 20% of returning Guard members in the U.S. are jobless. Some employers are reluctant to hire them because, unlike other veterans, they can be called up again.
November 23, 2012 - For 1st Lt. Ernest Rodriguez, weekly chats with his young daughter via phone or Skype are the highlight of duty in Afghanistan.
The father from Sacramento desperately wants to come home to 7-year-old Samantha. But instead, he has signed up for another year in the war zone. He needs the money and he knows that returning National Guard troops face high unemployment.
More than half of those in his unit had no work when they got back to California in August. Across the country, an estimated 20% of returning National Guard soldiers and airmen are without jobs, former National Guard Bureau Chief Gen. Craig R. McKinley told Congress earlier this year. That is twice the rate for all military veterans who have served since September 2001.
The Obama administration has helped reduce the unemployment rate for all recent veterans, from 15% nearly two years ago to 10% last month, by developing online tools to help returning troops find jobs, working with employers to increase recruitment and retention, and signing into law tax credits for hiring veterans.
But the rate remains stubbornly high for National Guard members and military reservists. Some employers are reluctant to hire them because, unlike other veterans joining the civilian workforce, they can be called up again. read more>>>
This Executive Branch their Cabinet and this Veterans Administration have combined to do what they can under their limited government abilities, some in Congress, where the abilities as representatives of the people are held, have helped others not so same in the States. Way past time the Country stood up, way past!
Review of Veterans Employment Challenges and Initiatives of the 112th Congress
Subcommittee on Economic Opportunity (EO) | 334 Cannon House Office Building Washington, DC | Nov 15, 2012 10:00am
Panel 1
Mr. John K. Moran,Deputy Assistant Secretary for Operations & Management, Veterans’ Employment and Training Service, U.S. Department of Labor Mr. Curtis L. Coy, Deputy Under Secretary for Economic Opportunity, Veterans Benefits Administration U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs Accompanied By: Ms. Margarita Devlin, Deputy Director, Vocational Rehabilitation and Employment Service Veterans Benefit Administration, U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs
Panel 2
Mr. Eliseo “Al” Cantu, Jr., Chair, Texas Veterans Commission Accompanied By: Mr. Shawn Deabay, Director, Veterans Employment Services Texas Veterans Comission Major General Abraham J. Turner (Ret.), Chair, Veterans Affairs Committee, National Association of State Workforce Agencies Executive Director, South Carolina Department of Employment and Workforce for opening statement transcripts>>>
For possible live stream of hearing at time of on front page of Congressional House Veterans Committee website.
'Gifts', so that's what the Country calls it's Responsibility: "Romney attributes loss to 'gifts' Obama gave minorities"
The Country hasn't stood up and demanded it Sacrifice, especially through it's representatives, and sadly that will continue, for over a decade now added to the previous decades of underfunding it's Responsibility the Veterans Administration! These present wars nor results of, DeJa-Vu all over again, haven't been paid for! Deficits started rising Before 9/11 as surplus left was quickly depleted and costs of are still added to same as are the those decades long term costs as to the results of these wars once again!
From the DoL Newsletter 15 November 2012 - In the next five years, 1.5 million military personnel will be transitioning from active duty to civilian life. Helping our military heroes find good jobs is a challenge — and a sacred obligation — that has been embraced by the department. In its efforts, the department has adopted a P3 campaign — to Prepare transitioning service members for civilian employment; to Provide resources and priority case management to veterans through the American Job Centers network; and to Protect their employment rights. The department is also part of the president's newly created Veterans Employment Initiative Task Force, designed to develop proposals to maximize the career readiness of all service members. This effort aims to give separating service members a clear path to; civilian employment; success in an academic or technical training program; or successful start-up of an independent business entity or nonprofit organization. The Task Force includes the departments of Defense, Veterans Affairs, Labor, Education, Small Business Administration, and the Office of Personnel Management. The department's commitments to veterans are being led and coordinated by the Veterans' Employment and Training Service.
Cpl. Aaron MankinPublished on Nov 14, 2012 by IAVAVids
Cpl. Aaron Mankin spoke at IAVA's Sixth Annual Heroes Gala on Tuesday, November 13th in New York City. Aaron, IAVA's 2011 Veteran Leadership Honoree, is an Iraq Veteran and spokespman for UCLA's Operation Mend.
Cpl. Aaron Mankin: "Our Story"
I just streamed the Maddow show segment:
And again am very disappointed with her take and trying to use this, the Military especially those still being sent into theater , in her speaking points as to just picking up and pulling out of Afghanistan, many sitting at their computers, her on a national broadcasted cable show she gets very highly paid to do so, this day and age, in the comfort of their homes or somewhere in their communities do same.
That is not why he's telling his story!
Rachel is not a Military Veteran! Does she have the right to do the call for instant withdrawal, Of Course. Do the others, including many of our brothers and sisters in our Veterans Community, far more non veteran civilians do, Of Course. Do I want them out of this long occupation and those abandoned missions, You Bet I Do, but I'm not going to second guess those sent and trying to accomplish at least some of why they were sent in the first place and many died or were maimed trying to accomplish as they now seek a slow withdrawal to at least try. Many Afghans will be helped many won't and those sent know this, but for the fallen and maimed brothers and sisters they want to help as many Afghans as they can and hopefully leave a stable country which even that they realize may not happen. Thing is once again in these calls they leave out the Most Important Issue:
That's what he's speaking about, but more to those Veterans of attending then to the Country as a whole
Cpl. Aaron Mankin: "Our Story"
Rachel does this every-time she has segments related to the Military and Veterans of. She and IAVA call for parades, credit to her for pointing out the community parades and welcome homes, but Then What. They call for a National Parade in NYC while we still have the Main Missions of why we sent the Military into that region ongoing, the one they want to just walk away from. IAVA doing what the other long established Veterans Organizations reaction and not proaction's as the leaders of do in Congressional Hearings and most of Congress, representatives of the people, do same, they too leave out the most important issue, as do that American Public, DeJa-Vu all over again. Cpl. Aaron Mankin says it near the end about "Having our backs when we return and I know you'll do just that!".
Does Anyone hear the Soldiers and Sailors being sent demanding that we end the occupation, Abandoned along with the Missions years back with almost full support of the Country with the first drum beat pointed at Iraq and the lying reasons for from the top civilian and military leaders beating those drums, and walk away, as we did during Vietnam in an ever growing movement of Active and Veterans of! Even those from Iraq and Iraq Veterans Against the War, active duty that joined them, take their orders and join their brothers and sisters in theater.
What's that extremely important issue everyone once again ignores:
"Having our backs when we return and I know you'll do just that!"
That the Country has yet to Sacrifice and fulfill their obligation to those that not only serve to protect them, and Constitution, but they demand same be sent into their chosen wars. The tax cuts came with both wars, once again the Abandoning the Main Missions to gladly send them to invade another country same region. This is what he is talking about though Not Demanding but stating the should be obvious the Countries Responsibility, as the deficits had already started rising Before 9/11. I hear tax cuts and for these past decades I think more of the decades long Under Funding the Agency that is the Peoples Responsibility to those that serve and the Representatives who should be demanding, especially as the Country sends our Military into wars, attacking same Agency because of what that underfunding causes, like backlogs from returning troops joining our Veterans community and needing it's help, needing help from the people served.
Rachel has the soapbox of the media and shes good at it, she isn't the only one, she and they in the media and the citizens of the country, including the new national org IAVA as well as the long established veterans orgs, should be questioning why the country has yet to Sacrifice and especially in these times the continuing talk about the countries budget and the huge deficits that the war costs and results of these wars, along with the previous wars in the preceding decades are being added to daily. And with the decades long underfunding, ignoring what the veterans are saying about their needs and the issues from, PTS, Agent Orange, Gulf War Syndrome, Military in Theater Burn Pits to name but a few though PTS and TBI now can't be ignored so easily, adds to the apathy of a country that loves cheering on wars, waving flags and using symbols and calling that patriotism, but not seeking to serve nor Sacrifice a few pennies in taxes for the treasury thus for the Agency to build what always should have been which would save budget funds.
Think the National Parade, and recently the Welcome Homes for us Vietnam Veterans, after Desert Storm. Now ask a Veteran, especially the hundreds to thousands suffering from Gulf War Syndrome, of how much Help came from them when the folks attending, more not or if on TV watching, went home and put those flags away till the next opportunity to wave that 'patriotism'.
Most of these younger Veterans are already facing, and have for the past decade plus, the same battles we older veterans have been fighting and we're still fighting them as we grow older and die off like the Country wants us to rather then address the real issues of those who've served them and they demanded their sacrifice, and will be facing same in the decades to come. While the Country, especially through their hired representatives, many wanting to privatize for profit, continues laying blame, including many vets, on the Agency that's the peoples responsibility!!
I hope I made the point as there's plenty I could have tried to write about all of this, but this Veteran already knows what many of us also learned, we can depend on our own brothers and sisters, mostly, but not the Country we've served as many of them argue about who's more patriotic then others!