Made harder by the Country who don't Demand they have to Sacrifice anything as to, especially, the Wars they send the few who serve into in the name of Defending the Country. To often wars of choice not need, thus underfunding it's responsibility, the Veterans Administration. Causing heavier costs in time and monies in trying to catch up to the needs instead of just maintenance and upgrades needed to run smoother and more efficiently! While being blamed for the constant pitfalls mostly from the branches of the government, the peoples representatives in congresses and state legislatures, caused mostly by that underfunding especially at times of wars!
click on graphic to enlarge
November 19, 2012 - More than half of America’s veterans say they have little or no understanding of the benefits due them, despite efforts over recent years to match returning soldiers with the help and services they need.
An analysis of Department of Veterans Affairs survey data found that younger veterans – those who served in the post-9/11 war period – are better versed in their benefits. But even among those veterans, 40 percent say they have little or no understanding of their benefits, a figure that climbs to two-thirds for those unfamiliar with life insurance benefits available.
The VA said it’s working hard to boost benefits awareness and has taken steps in recent years to do so.
snip “Sometimes there’s this warrior ethic – I served proudly and didn’t get hurt,” said Curtin. “Those benefits are for somebody else. There’s a mentality and pride and they don’t look into their benefits. . . . We’ve got to reach out to World War II, Korean and Vietnam veterans who might never have looked at these benefits before.” read more>>>
13 of VA’s Top Links for Vet Services -
November 19, 2012 - More than quarter of all veterans who served in Iraq and Afghanistan don’t have health insurance and aren’t part of the Department of Veterans Affairs health system, according to an analysis of VA data.The uninsured rate among these recent veterans is higher than for other war periods and for veterans as a whole, raising concerns that veterans recently back from the wars might not be taking advantage of care to which they are entitled.Veterans advocates and some lawmakers have pushed to automatically enroll veterans in the VA health care system, which could fill in the gap for some of the veterans not now covered by the VA or the private market. read more>>>>
And apparently many tepublicans want to keep it so as their hired representatives block the Affordable Care Act by any means they can seek to denie it's implementation!!
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