10 Kasım 2012 Cumartesi


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The only Government Branch doing, Federal and States, on a consistent basis, for the Military Families and Military Veterans is the present Executive Administration, and that will now continue for four more years, it's Cabinet and those directly around it, the First and Second ladies and more!

The Country hasn't stood up and demanded it Sacrifice, especially through it's representatives, and sadly that will continue, for over a decade now added to the previous decades of underfunding it's Responsibility the Veterans Administration!

These present wars haven't been paid for, deficits started rising Before 9/11 as surplus left was quickly depleted and costs of are still added to same as are the long term costs as to the results of these wars once again!

One To Be Added To Congress To Help The Too Few Already Within and The Executive Administration

A brave wounded female combat veteran joins the halls of Congress filled with to many rubber stamping WarHawks, as she replaced one who even denigrated her Military Service more then once, who've never served in the Military or it's supported war theaters of choice!

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