While I'm not a fan of the oilsands industry nor the oil from, especially pumping it through the U.S., with loose regulations, to ports to be sent elsewhere, at least there's businesses in other Countries that recognize that Ex-Military personal have the skills, along with developed critical thought and common sense gifts, needed to fill their innovative work forces with quick turns in the needed training they wouldn't get if hiring the so called higher educated with degree's.
As well as the other very important issue, them reagan capitalist, trickle downers, aren't and haven't been investing their accumulated gross wealth, off the labors of the masses, into economic growth as that new capitalism con was sold way back when. And our once vibrant and envied economy was humming right along from it's experienced innovative workers, now the many trades of once are no longer here, stagnated at the same time of the introduction of same capitalism model.
November 16, 2012 - Alberta is seeking to recruit an army of oilsands workers — literally.
The province is on the march to attract thousands of demobilized U.S. military personnel to help develop what's been touted as Canada's economic engine for coming decades, the oilsands.
snip "These are a lot of fairly highly-disciplined Americans, some of whom would have skills, presumably, for the oil industry," he said. "Ever since the Dingman well discovery in 1914, we've never had enough human resources and capital of our own to develop the oil industry."
Forecasts conducted on the labour needs of Alberta's energy sector range greatly, with one study stating the province could be short 130,000 workers within seven years. read more>>>
By the way, Australia has been looking to hire U.S. veterans' for it's mining and other business industries.
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